Chrono Triggers greatest strength, at least in terms of actual gameplay, is it’s respect for the players time. I love it when a JRPG doesn’t pad it’s run-time by forcing you to grind.
Chrono Triggers greatest strength, at least in terms of actual gameplay, is it’s respect for the players time. I love it when a JRPG doesn’t pad it’s run-time by forcing you to grind.
OP is talking about Ni No Kuni. Why are you bringing up NieR?
Great game. Terrible sequel.
Konami are all sorts of smart. They’re making record profits manufacturing casino games.
Even if it's potential sequels aren't on other consoles, they should still be available on PC.
Last November.
Because it's funny.
Yes. Any true fan of the series would like this shit game, so anyone who doesn’t like it or isn’t interested just isn’t a true fan.
Not going to happen. Obsidian are a Microsoft studio now.
A fool and their money are soon parted.
LMFAO. Get fucked buddy.
But XII is the best Final Fantasy.
FFXII is the greatest game in the series, and it was made even better with the release of the Zodiac Age remaster.
Multiple Japanese governments have apologised on multiple occasions.
What connection does Outer Wilds have to Microsoft and Take Two? What are you even on about?
Wow. There wasn’t a DLC trailer. Oh my god. What a thing to be in an uproar over. It’s like, how will we ever manage to live? We don’t know who the final doc character is. We should all bitch at Nintendo on Twitter. Damn you Nintendo! REEEEEEEEEE!
“Insane and different”.
The brooding pretty-boy loner who keeps others at arm’s length and won’t hesitate to tell them what a brooding loner he is and that he’ll keep them at arm’s length. BUT HE CARES DEEP INSIDE.
We’re already in agreement about the kind of targeted advertising that exists in the digital space. Data collection needs to be more tightly regulated, and the sale of that data might best be made illegal.
New Vegas is still unplayable on PS3. Your argument doesn't really prove your point.