
New Vegas, the game widely regarded as the best of the modern Fallout games.

Everyone says that, but he never comes across that way in the videos of him I've seen on YouTube.

Why should it be unacceptable to make money off of advertising and public relations? Companies need to advertise their products. People need to create those advertisements. The people who create the ads labour for a given amount of time to do so. They are compensated for that time and labour.

Crowd-sourced income is madness? I’m pretty sure it’s called busking, and it’s been around for thousands of years.

Will climate change actually make Earth uninhabitable. As in actually impossible to inhabit?

It got mostly good reviews though.

Rogue Leader for GameCube is even better.

There’s nothing wrong with wanting that. I personally have no interest in PVP myself. Not since Dark Forces II took up way to much of my early teen years lol.

Sea of Thieves is a PVP-focused game. There is no PVE option. What did you think would happen?

Isn’t ganking and hoarding kind of the point? I haven’t played the game, nor do I want to, but the game is basically a Fallout-skinned Rust-lite?

I mean, I guess it’s the first in a long time. But it’s not the first.

I mean, we did get Maul out of the prequels. 

The second game was much better than the first.

Now playing

Gamers Nexus are doing that so you don’t have to. Or trying to. They have to get the damned thing to work first.

Everyone who bought it could have had their code as soon as they opened the box, no e-mail from Google required. I know it sounds crazy, but there’s this stuff called “paper”. It’s sort of like a computer screen made from plant fibres. And on this “paper”, you can print information using “ink”, which consists of

Here’s a crazy concept for you.

Its not toxic to point out that GF, TPC, and Nintendo rake in shit tons of cash but their modern Pokemon console releases look like PS2 games.

They did an excellent job using the mountains of cash the Pokemon franchise brings in to make a 2019 console release look like a PS2 game. Yes.

Game Freak and Nintendo are rolling in cash. Why does the game look like a PS2 title instead of a modern title?

That’s a high score for a game that looks like a PS2 title from a company that should be able to afford a AAA budget. The game looks like trash.