This guy thinks the Wii U was ever relevant!
This guy thinks the Wii U was ever relevant!
I was joking around lol. I think the urban myth of that album is way more fun than the truth.
I actually like The New Danger. Lol.
I thought Metal Machine Music was just Lou Reed making an unmarketable mess to fulfill a contractual obligation for one final album with a record label he hated?
Not seeking treatment means more chances to infect others?
Universal single-payer health care would be a good start.
Hockey players: “What’s wrong with a little chirping?”
I honestly hate Carhartt’s WIP line. Basically, Carhartt is a workwear brand in America and a fashion brand in Europe, the WIP is the fashion-focused stuff made for the European market. It’s multiple times more expensive, and multiple times less durable, than their actual workwear line.
I honestly hate Carhartt’s WIP line. Basically, Carhartt is a workwear brand in America and a fashion brand in…
I don’t even think FFXIII is comparable to Anthem. For one thing, you can’t say it isn’t a well made game. It’s graphically beautiful. It tells the narrative the writers set out to tell. It has memorable characters. Hell, I actually love Lightning, Sazh, Fang, etc as characters. I even think Vanille is a good…
But those weren’t made by BioWare. BioWare/EA have zero credibility after abandoning Andromeda.
RPG’s have been the hotness for awhile now. Look at the success of The Outer Worlds and the hype leading up to it. Look at the the sales and critical reception of The Witcher 3 and the massive hype train surrounding Cyberpunks development. Even an oldschool-style crpg like Divinity: Original Sin 2 sold well and…
I’ve never really been that pissed off about the ME3 ending situation. I think that when you look at the big picture of the trilogy, it’s nearly perfect. They had a terrible space car in the first game, and an ending that fell apart under the narratives weight in the third game. Everything else is golden.
For sure, the folks bitching about it are the sorts of turdmuffins you would expect to bitch about it.
I actually miss that sound. That clack-tang-clack-tang-clack-tang is a sound of nostalgia. The first computer my family bought when I was a child was a used pc-compatible we bought off my aunt. The keyboard we got with it was a Model M. That battleship is the sound of my childhood.
I actually miss that sound. That clack-tang-clack-tang-clack-tang is a sound of nostalgia. The first computer my…
What would you have done when IBM Model F and Model M keyboards were industry standards?
What would you have done when IBM Model F and Model M keyboards were industry standards?
You can get mechanical keyboards with quiet switches. Silenced topre switches come to mind, MX reds, blacks, and to a lesser extent browns, and various MX-clone switches come to mind. In keyboards that use these switches, much of the sound produced will come from bottoming out on your keystrokes.
You can get mechanical keyboards with quiet switches. Silenced topre switches come to mind, MX reds, blacks, and to…
Imagine what an office would have sounded like in the days of mechanical typewriters. Or even in the days when everyone had an IBM Model F or Model M on their desk.
Imagine what an office would have sounded like in the days of mechanical typewriters. Or even in the days when…
Some idiots have been bitching about Ellie being a lesbian in TLOU2.
Some idiots have been bitching about Ellie being a lesbian in TLOU2.
But Chloe and Max drive off into the sunset.