
I would love to know your reasoning behind not playing certain randomised characters.

I would love it if people were more open to changes in gaming. There’s still so much to be done with this medium, but it only works if developers are willing to take chances without being scared of the negative (and in my eyes unjustified) feedback

You have no right to control over your appearance in a virtual environment that’s made and controlled by someone else - why would that even be a thing?

You can think whatever you like, per. Ain’t no one forcing you to engage with this game in any way. If you’re gonna play the game, though, you have to accept it on its terms... like pretty much every game out there.

Yeah, it’s gone from “just another survival game” to a game that’s also a social experiment. I’ll probably pick it up the next time it’s on sale.

Not having a choice is the whole point.

What possible character would you not want to play as, and why?

I haven't played rust, but I think the way they did this stuff is cool, and seems in line with the ethos behind survival games.

Now playing

Extra Credits broke down why Rust’s character creation system is not only brilliant, but accomplishes many progressive goals. With the introduction of sexes, their reasoning only strengthens.

He’s saying that it used to be that all females were playing a character that didn’t match their gender.

With this change, half of the female players and half of the male players are playing a character that doesn’t match their gender.

Same number of people with character/RL mismatched genders, just with a different

The more I read about the controversial decisions in this game’s development, the more compelled I am to buy it.

I wonder if a lot of the people complaining about this are the same ones who respond with “you don’t like what’s going on? Then YOU make a game” whenever someone says games aren’t diverse enough

They don’t want to give ANYONE a choice. Everyone has the exact same chance of getting an avatar that doesn’t look like them.

As i stated before elsewhere, all my gaming life ive had to almost always be a early 30/late 20's white guy or a teen asian kid. so this changes nothing for me aside from making not having a choice more fun.


<copied and pasted argument for why people should just roleplay their white male leading character even though they want something more representative of them>

As a minority gamer I think it is great. I am used to not being able to play a character I identify with directly in games. Anyone complaining that they don’t identify with their rust character anymore is a direct parallel to the feelings of females and people of color when playing a white male in the majority of

In what way? Either people will get over it and play the game, or they’ll stop playing the game and play one of the ten thousand other games that allow you to play as the white male of your choice. This isn’t going to end in nuclear annihilation.

Nothing but respect for the guy who makes these decisions. I haven’t played Rust myself, but I love reading people’s reactions to not being able to choose things about their avatar. Too many people seem to think gaming is all about player choice, and I like it when games restrict that in interesting ways.

I’m sure that in this survival game, they will learn to ... survive.

While I understand why some players are irritated with the permanence of the change, at the end of the day this is what Rust is. They lived through race, penis size, and much more, and games in Early Access are liable to change.

Just when I was starting to waver in my support of fan input after recent events, I’m glad