
Blizzard really doesn’t care at all about toxicity. If you look on their Overwatch EU forums (the only ones I browse), there are threads full of vitriol and even hate speech against women. There is a thread right now called “Sexism in Ranked” with people literally saying that women are inferior, bitchy, femenazi

I think it really hinges on how far the police can bend or break the rules in their favor, but whether they identify themselves is important. Check out the Kathryn Johnston case.

These type of people aren’t just dangerous sociopaths, they represent the most vile stratum of online society, which exists purely to ruin everyone else’s day, no matter how cruel or dangerous the method. They do what they want with impunity and never face consequences. On the rare occasion that these types get caught

I don’t understand the complaints. It’s randomized. That’s pretty fresh, and it makes sense for the survive ‘em up genre. If you want something that’s all about character customization, pick up a recent Bethesda title or some similar game. I’m personally appalled by the notion that games should all have the same