C. Montgomery Burner

Ikea has gone into plumbing as of late.

we expect to see more companies making decisions that keep users happy, including value-driven subscription models, decentralization, and more robust privacy policies.

Yes, but what people don’t realize is that soundstage was on MARS.

I doubt congress will go more than a couple of days before someone grandstands and challenges his speakership. And since it only takes one now...

I know reading is hard, but Tim Burchett is not a Democrat.

My favorite thing this week was a quote from McCarthy a couple of days ago. “Now we’ve learned how to govern.” NOW you’ve learned? 

It’s right up there with the Edsel’s push-button transmission.

Do you know how long that would take at this point?

How did you guess?

I’m amazed they’re planning on streaming it at all at this point.

That is one detailed burn. Well done to whoever did it.

I hate my email address. It comes from a time in my life when it fit, but that was 15+ years ago. I don’t dare change it for the reasons you stated.

Of course he did. What a maroon.

Hahaha! Who voted for Trump as speaker?

I don’t know... a dozen recipes. That sounds pretty daunting.

I wouldn’t buy one, but when I was a kid, I stayed at a cousin’s house and they had a penny slot machine and a jar of pennies next to it and I spent ages playing that slot machine. I didn’t care whether I won or not. They’re really addictive.

There’s not a snowball’s chance in hell Walgreens would do it anyway. They’re the chain that allows pharmacists to refuse to prescribe birth control pills.

I would commission Chuck Tingle to write a book specifically for the occasion. I imagine he would entitle it, “Pounded in the Butt While Being Sworn in to Congress.”

And I’m glad he didn’t do it. I wouldn’t either.

Mostly foreigners who will lose their visas if they quit.