
Homer, we're out of vodka!

Eating animals is wrong. So very wrong.

We're all be rich. Rich as Nazis!

But, Bar, we can't show any weakness
in front of the Russians.


I have to pay to see my own grandson. That's the Democrats for ya!

He went from stinkin' rich to just plain stinkin'.

Batman's a scientist.

See I got this friend named Joey Joe-Joe Junior Shabadoo.

I didn't do it!

Oh, that poor dog.

And I'm Jared from the Subway ads. I'm only a little overweight and sexually ambiguous.

Look, it's Internet buffoon Angry Dad!
Let's send him into one of his trademark fits.

Boy, those Germans have a word for everything.

Lousy Democrats!

I am not a butt!

I look like Buster Brown. Whoever that is.

I didn't do it.
