I'm pedaling backwards
I'm pedaling backwards
Yvan Eht Nioj
What are you talking about? I don't need pep pills to be suspicious? If I
wanna comment on it, I'll comment on it. Who's gonna stop me? You, Pep
Pill Boy? Pep boys. Pills. Beverly Sills. Oh boy ah boy. Uh oh-uh oh… Uh oh. I gotta stop taking
those pills.
Parker: Troy! Mac Parker. Ever hear of… Planet of the Apes?
Troy: Uh… the movie or the planet?
Parker: The brand-new multi-million dollar musical. And you are starring… as the human.
Troy: It's the part I was born to play, baby!
♪ Just don't look, just don't look ♪
Oh, my God. This man is my exact double!
( gasps)
That dog has a puffy tail!
Oh my God, oh my God! Where did you get that brownie?
Good afternoon and welcome to the 97th Springfield Marathon commemorating the time Jebediah Springfield ran across six states to avoid his creditors.
Look out, Jonah! It's a whale!
Well if kids are so innocent, why is everything bad named after them? Acting childish, kidnapping, child abuse…
There's no justice like angry mob justice.
Do you want to hear my award-winning secret? Human interest stories. They tug at the heart and fog the mind.
Maybe she drove to the moon.
I've seen teams suck before but they were the suckiest bunch of sucks that ever sucked.
Cool! Comics from the '70s!
Does anyone hear me complaining about the breasts?
If a strange man offers you a ride, I say take it.
Relax. It's a little hot for that cheerleader outfit, don't you think?
Sex cauldron? I thought they closed that place down.
Holy smokes! You need booze.