
In the late 1980s, the U. S. Experienced a short-lived infatuation with Australian culture. The Aussies thought this would be permanent.

♪ See my vest made from real gorilla chest ♪

That's what you get for not hailing to the chimp.

Well, there's no easy way to say this: the new administration is shutting down Project Boy Band.

Homer? Who is Homer? My name is Guy Incognito.

Copyright 1968? Hmm, determined or not, that cat must be long dead. That's kind of a downer.

So tell us, who's gay?

Ah, "Love Story" — the little picture that could. Was Paramount chomping at the bit to make it? Heh, heh, you'd better believe they weren't. But once that tear-jerker hit John Q. Popcorn, it was boffo-boo-boo box office all the way.

So, if we put our stereo speakers on the ground and play something with a lot of bass, those snakes will be in here like Oprah on a baked ham.

Four Krusties!

Maggie's already drunk on the fumes. And she's a mean drunk.

♪ Do it for Yoda, while we serve our guests a soda. ♪

This story begins in the unforgettable spring of 1983. Ms. Pac-man struck a blow for women's rights and a young Joe Piscopo taught us how to laugh.

Yeah, the British tabloids will have a field day.

He may be a liar, a pig, an idiot, a Communist…but he is NOT a porn star.

Oh Spade, why did you put Farley in charge of the bees?

The Justice League is moving into their new building today.

Boo-yah! Guess who just sold the Whitman place?


No, no! The PTA has not disbanded. We do have an emergency plan in case of a prolonged strike right here. Let's see. "Replace teachers with super-intelligent cyborgs. Or, if cyborgs aren't invented yet, use people from the neighborhood."