
The only hard part was getting up.

You stole my bit!


Point your peepers at Biclops.

Stop remembering TV and get back to work.

Oh no, Bette Midler!

This is Krusty Brand Imitation Gruel. Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.

Is this the end of zombie Shakespeare?

Oh, sorry. I forgot I bought the soundtrack album.

Didn't you learn anything from Love Day?

Probably nothing, but let us see… oh! A handwritten script for Star
Wars by George Lucas? Princess Leia's anti-jiggle breast tape? Film reel
labelled, "Alternate ending - Luke's father is Chewbacca"?! Oh!! Oh!! I'll give you five dollars for the box.

♪ Don't eat pork ♪
♪ Not even 'vit a fork ♪
♪ Can't touch this! ♪

We weren't satisfied with the other vegetarian meals on the market. You'd be surprised how often you find a big hunk of pork in them.

I hate John Knowles.

Gimbel's is gone Marge, long gone. You're Gimbel's.

Street signs indoors? Whatever!

An alligator with sunglasses? Huh! Now I've seen everything.

Robert Downey, Jr. is shooting it out with the police.

Where we'll get a free room, free food, free swimming pool, free HBO… ooh! Free Willy!

In volume two, Radioactive Man travels through time to defeat Jesse Owens at the 1936 Olympic Games.