
I mean, he could keep his cunt mouth shut? 

96 shots over 41 seconds.

Cops managed to take that Florida woman in without firing a shot, and she was actively shooting up cars on the highway!

None of that justifies 5 cops firing 96 times. The criminal penalty for everything you described is not summary execution. Cops aren’t supposed to be executioners.

Sit in the quiet for 41 seconds. Do nothing. Feel how long 41 seconds is.

I cant watch the video at work, but unmarked car and police in street clothes (which is what it sounds like these cops were from the article) cannot expect to be treated like cops when they run up on people.

I’ll just remind everyone, because a lot of people certainly seem like they’re actively trying to ignore it, that Todd Phillips was on the side of the executives during the strikes and said everyone deserved to go broke from it.

*Spike Lee angrily tweets Orville Peck’s home address*

Somebody put it brilliantly in another comment on a previous article:

It began when Boeing took over Mcdonnell-Douglas and transplanted their board and C-suite into Boeing’s, effectively making it a MDD takeover of Boeing when it was actually Boeing that actually bought MDD.

My understanding is that the two are generally geographically separate, so competition doesn’t come into play. My hunch would be that if Hardee’s had a presence in the few states that have Carl’s Jrs., they would rename them as Carl’s Jr.

It’s the car they* didnt want you** to have.

Did they call them Buffalo wings? No?

You’re really back at this?

If 18 and 19 year olds aren’t children, why aren’t they allowed to drink.

Donald Trump isn’t an existential threat. He’s a known threat. If anyone votes for him at this point, it’s a vote for the continued destruction of America as an institution. And putting Joe Biden as the alternate choice is the Democrats giving every single person who hasn’t already made up their mind every reason they

“I was wrong all of this time, Xbox doesn’t care about us, Microsoft doesn’t care about us. We’ve been fighting this war for nothing.”

Who was asking for Dave Chapelle or Shane Gillis?

Honest question to Lorne: Who is asking for Nicky Fucking Haley to be on SNL? 

If it helps, Lorne’s an all-purpose starfucker, so it’s unlikely that this is strictly political.