
Zen and the Art of Aviation Obstetrics

You’re at the club and see a cute girl look your way. You smile at her. She smiles back

Wait, you mean this isn’t Kristen Saban?

Dammit woman, you could have given your eyes to Stevie Wonder.

Didn’t we do this already?

Daytime comedy, maybe. Oprah built an empire on daytime and is taken plenty seriously.

It’s like they got a Rage Against the Machine lyric really, really wrong.

Geez, sometimes I think I’m the only kid who actually listened to Nancy Reagan and Mr. T.

Matt Cavanaugh should get an Hon. Mention at least. Lasted 13 seasons, starting only 19 games. Has a ring to show for his efforts (SF, 1984) and has had various coaching gigs for 20 years.

Yeah, you may not want to stick around for the eventual NFL point differential article...

Because misery loves company.

And the highest differential for a team which hasn’t won anything in 40 years.

(bah, was beaten to this downstream)

Thank you. I’m sure there are many, many in my boat but seriously discussing it - in a non-judgemental fashion - can be challenging. I can understand why another married would be a good choice. I doubt a pro would be an option, at least in my case (even thinking of the logistics of that in a shared accounts household

/waves from Hypothetical Land

Now playing

Naked bodies are literally everywhere. Every person has one.

Whenever “red light” or its equivalent is spoken, you both have to stop whatever you were doing and attempt to bring yourselves back into the moment and into connection with each other.

If I Could Turn Back Thyme