
It's a bit of a weird opener, but calves do make the leg.

$40 for the jeans from Mark's Work Wearhouse

"You'd have to add in USA, dear."

That's fair. And it was in a US context, though I tend to think in terms of teamsters and construction, where unions have done some seriously shady things (and where I'm not convinced leadership is necessarily looking out for the rank and file as much as they are themselves). For fast food workers who have no

The only thing worse than unions is what happens when you don't have unions.

Checks and balances. I don't think it's a good thing if either side is too strong.

Oh, I think they're necessary to keep businesses in check, especially if the government doesn't (which these days, they're really not). I don't know how or if Denmark has escaped them, but here they certainly haven't been without their unsavory elements (mob ties, just as a start). I have a hard time believing that

Oh, they're corrupt too. As are our politicians. I don't know how things were established in Denmark, but I have a hard time believing any system is going to be without it here.

"Unions dominate, and the employment system revolves around that fact." He's just objectively wrong that it'd be a bad thing if America operated the same way.

Yeah, I wasn't that prolific that long. But, I'm at the same level on the other side of 40 that I've been since my 20s (where there just wasn't the time), so I'm good with that.

And here I thought the 250-300 range was doing pretty well. 730? Bravo*.

See, I thought the "Passion Propeller" would be where you start with the basic Counter Top formation (or standing with the woman's legs around the man's back), but then the man starts to spin the duo around and around (this is best done out-of-doors, which of course adds its own excitement). Maybe I'm getting it

Hey, if dinner theater is your thing...

Now playing

Fuck a chicken. Or don't cuz that's weird and probably illegal, and I don't know where you'd put your naughty bits

Why do animal activists only protest humans? You never see them picketing, say, a pack of wolves. Damned speciesist wolves. Go ruin their lunch!

One of the organic brands makes a blueberry sugar coated mini shredded wheat deal and its super tasty.

From my [male] perspective, yes I would. I played a sport when I was younger, so I "filled out" early and more or less had the same general build as I do now (give or take depending on how well I was/am eating and exercising). Maintaining it, I think, was easier. Strength came more readily, I had more energy, fewer

this cover is boring and not even a great interpretation of the Motown sound