Eduardo Serna


This "Evidence", is it from Captain Rainbow?? lol

Very true, but it depends on schedule conflicts and the game someone is aiming to pass, and play style. But the objective is to actually get players to play games and complete, rather than leave them unfinished. As with gamers with large libraries usually tend to do, or even gamers who play majorly online, or gamers

Backlog awareness month..

Good luck with Xenoblade and Ni No Kuni, I personal am going to hold to those to actually take my time and explore the worlds.

I decided I would do one game for each of my systems,

Perhaps it is just COD, I have just been avoiding that game since MW2; but yes I have encountered some people who rage, in either losing or winning fashion. But not too much to find a real problem. And so far the Wii U community itself seems respectable, probably give COD a go on the Wii U.

Thanks a lot! Ill be sure to install it.

That was going to be my argument. 360 was supposedly the more "mature" system. But I'm sure every system has it's trolls or whatever. But in my time playing alot of PS3 online, I haven't encountered anyone that is in essence this annoying, or any player that gets furious.

You're not alone, pretty dumb movie, but him and Sean William Scott are in Role Models which is pretty great actually.

Im having trouble getting my Right Stick on the 360 gamepad to do free look. Is there somewhere I can configure this or could be because I am using a Mad Catz controller?

Very true.

I perfectly understand this, I constantly buy games day one knowing that either Ill play it for a while, then store it for another day, current games waiting to be finished are Xenoblade Chronicles, which I have progressed 18hrs, The Last Story, another day one purchase just waiting to be played, and Rayman Origins

But I remember with the original endings, I chose the synthesis option and still managed to see Shepard take a breath? So was it removed or am I just crazy?

Reading this reminded me how much I loved the game, but it was stolen along with a load of my other GC games... =[

That was a good spook, but I think the thunder scared me more.

Was that the thunder?

Anyone else notice Hunnigan had facebook and Tetris in other windows of her computer??? 0_o

Yesss!! Loved it, lol. I did my own mouth SFX with *NYUUUUM BRRGHGHRHRHG!!!!*

I was thinking something similar, but this sounds much better.