Eduardo Serna

Anybody else happy to see the health bar back?

Don't forget Ancel mentioned he wanted BG&E2 to explore multiple worlds, so who knows what worlds he has yet to show, or will leave to the player to explore when the time comes. But yes, it will be a let down if much of them are similar with such a a dreaded pallet.

I wasn't... but was it really?!?! Damn. =[

Haha, then every publisher will bring back the original release date.

Anyone else noticing a trend of games recently being pushed back to 2013? Starting with Bioshock Infinite, then Tomb Raider, and now South Park RPG? What game could be next? Far Cry 3? Halo 4? Resident Evil? Luigis Mansion?

Well I remember reading somewhere that Michel Ancel will want players to travel to multiple worlds this go around... rather one of them would be Hillys, I have no idea.

Shouldn't it just be 1,776 likes or tweet then? That would be much more simple.

Sure, no new game. But they will show off a whole new console!

Wonder if he would consider doing some design work on my house. I applaud his choice of music too.

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You bring a good point, I was thinking some Metal Gear Online game at first. But if I recall correctly, didn't Kojima say he was dissatisfied with Metal Gear 1?