Andraste's Flaming Knickers

Speaking as a US citizen, for us at least I think it’s because we miss having an attractive, intelligent, well spoken leader, we get overly attached to the fact that yall have all of the above. *I miss Obama for so many reasons*

Thanks for the info!

What do they do in the between years??

“We want to do all we can to help women have privacy, safety and security to the fullest extent possible.”

I would love to hear a recounting of when they tried to convert you

So someone wrote a novel about my college years. Das cool.

Think of all the encouraging hugs! I love bears

ME TOO I was like wait, I don’t remember Barron being there in the photos yesterday, is this a new photo?

Someone just forgot to tell her they were a different type of bears

I’m glad it’s not just me haha. I spoil my dog, but he’s such a good boy and so precious how can I not? he eats better than I do, he gets regular healthcare, unlike me, he sleeps in the bed and has run of the apartment and furniture, I’m paying outrageous rent to stay in the building I’m in so he has a dog park on the

“particularly for viewers who—unlike me—aren’t immediately inclined to like anything dog-related”

I will cosign all of this.

I think he’s just directly quoting Jesus here, right? I’m sure he said people with advantages deserve to be just as protected as people in need. /s

I don’t, she knew what she was getting into, and she barely counts as a first lady seeing as she has zero interest in the job. I’m not going to bash her, but I’m not going to feel sorry for her either. She made her bed.

“empathic ears.”

I miss Uncle Joe so much!!!

“calling reports that at least 100 gay men have been detained and tortured “credible.””

I was having this discussion this morning, but there are no good options to take 45s place if he does get booted. I’m not sure who is the least damaging option at this point.

I didn’t even know avocado toast was a thing, though it does sound delicious. I’d love to buy a place but seeing as I currently spend half of my monthly take home on rent in one of the most expensive cities in the country, where I’m looking at at least $250k-$300k for a studio condo/one bedroom, I don’t think that

I mean I used to watch Tool Time religiously (I know, it’s Home Improvement, but I will always call it Tool Time) when I was younger, but I will agree Galaxy Quest was the easy high point.