
This is for you!

As for Gillian, the salaries should have been reversed. I’m watching X-Files because of her, not David. If the show would have been David Duchovny with some random woman, I would have passed on watching the reboot. If the show would have been Gillian with some random dude, I’d still watch the show. However, getting

maybe France can be shamed into finally extraditing Roman Polanski?

And that’s the power of negotiating en masse—aka Unions.

I know right? I’ve known about this shit since I was in middle school better than 25 years ago. As a result, I’ve never been even the slightest bit interested in seeing Annie Hall or Sleepers or whatever-the-fuck else he’s done. He’s a genius and auteur, great. So’s Polanski and he raped a 13 year old. That’s not

The only sure fire way no one will work with Woody Allen, sadly, won’t happen until the man passes. And since evil never dies, we are fucked.

I’m a cynic at heart, unfortunately enough, so I’m going to go with, no. Were it not for this avalanche of negative press finally being listened to and taken seriously by the general public, nothing would have changed and Allen would go on making ‘highly acclaimed’, big-budget arthouse films with all those A-listers

Yeah. Reads like a normal day from my childhood, which is why I’ve always been Team FuckAlecBaldwin

Like most lazy Americans, I watch too many movies.  I’ve never seen a Woody Allen movie. I knew at age 12 that any asshole who marries his step-daughter is a fucking predator and have actively avoided his work. That’s not meant to be a pat on my back, I’ve spent too much time wading around in toxic masculinity to

“You are a rude, thoughtless little pig. You don’t have the brains or the decency as a human being. “I don’t give a damn that you’re 12 years old, or 11 years old, or that you’re a child, or that your mother is a thoughtless pain in the ass who doesn’t care about what you do as far as I’m concerned. “Once again I have

Let’s say #metoo and #timesup, in addition to the Weinstein allegations that essentially set those dominoes in motion, had never occurred. Would Colin Firth, or Selina Gomez, or Timothee Chalamet still be distancing themselves? Dylan went public in ‘92 and a number of times thereafter and was brushed aside even though

Except for Alec Baldwin I guess? Fuck that guy!

I meeeeeannnn the way things have been going lately, it kinda feels like maybe no one will ever work with Woody again. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Did any of the articles talk about why there are so. many. men doing this? I’ve never lived anywhere where it was just one guy. They’re everywhere I go: walking the street, in parks, on the bus, on subways. My favorite was sitting on a bench outside a hostel and some guy in a suit stopped waking, turned to us, and

After the first episode where I saw that the show was going to pretty much center around him, I stopped watching. I cannot abide Anthony Anderson and it’s actually a shame because I love Tracee. And Laurence and Jenifer.

A couple years back, Gillian Anderson was shocked to learn that she was being offered something like half of David Duchovny’s pay on The X-Files reboot. The cast of Friends, on the other hand, stuck together and they got PAID—a million dollars each per episode for the ninth and tenth seasons.

Now playing

Ross also had more sitcom experience. Give me her stint on Girlfriends over Anderson’s weak jump shot on TNBC’s Hang Time and other flop sitcoms, 7 days a week.

Co-sign. First season I somewhat get there being a disparity. But after their re-tools and demonstrated chemistry/ability to play a believable couple raising four kids without leaning hard on the beautiful wife and competent af mother/dim and somewhat useless husband and father trope... she earned a bump in level

His role is slightly bigger than hers (he does the narration, typically drives the narrative forward) so I would expect a small difference in their acting fee (e.g., he makes 125K vs her 115-120). But significant? That seems really off.

I’ll cut to the chase and say that Ross should have been getting the same pay as Anderson since season 2 at the very latest and after the pilot episode at the earliest. It’s total bullshit that she hasn’t. Bull and shit.