
Why stop at celebration? I will not tolerate acceptance nor accept celebration. I demand reverence. Join me and we shall be goddesses/gods.

Probably because Trump has made worrying about illegals crossing the new social commentary fad so I don’t blame them trying to get as much attention as they possibly can before people move onto some other cause for 5 seconds and the deaths continue.

Yeah, I’m sure that Border Patrol is out there doing this but I know that the “Minutemen” who “patrol” the border sometimes do this as well. They’ve been caught on camera doing it, it’s fucking disgusting.

My family has a horse ranch in Yuma, AZ. There are elevated emergency water tanks along a couple hundred mile stretch of the US : Mexico border. A favorite pastime of those motherfucking backward racist desert assholes is to shoot live munitions through the tanks to drain them of the water. Keep in mind, Yuma is one

But pregnant teens will be denied abortions, because LIFE. IS. SACRED.

Wait, isn’t one of the new guys the host of Gay of Thrones? Sorry Rich, I will be watching. :)

I was prepared to hate this, but I liked the trailer.

Just leave kid alone.

Thank you. The whole way Millie Bobbie Brown’s career has been handled is incredibly gross.

she’s such a sweet kid. They’re going to make her into the next Amanda Bynes or Lindsay Lohan. Hell, they already had “Sexy Eleven” Halloween costumes. I hate this fucking society

Sure, Millie Bobby Brown is not yet 14, but let’s immediately toss her into the slimepit of gossip as it relates to women celebrities. Stay tuned for such prurient classics as: “Is she still a virgin?” “Will she marry him?” “Are they breaking up?” “Has post-breakup Millie become a skank?”... and on and on and on.

What the fuck is happening with the highest rated comments here?

It is so real — I was immediately talking about the situation, the coercion, consent etc. on a group text with three of my best friends because it struck such a chord. I’m hoping for more follow-up and discussions.

Just here for the comments:

Sharon Stone is a gift we don’t deserve. That cozy sweater, on the other hand, is a gift I do deserve.

It doesn’t say much about Roiphe’s brand of journalism that the fact checker, who’s supposed to be the one crossing the “t”s and dotting the “i”s not doing the actual reporting, was the one calling up to check on Moira’s thoughts on being the “woman widely believed to be one of the creators of the list.” Sounds like

I wonder if part of this is about women who would rather believe they were seduced than assaulted. It’s often easier to act like you were a willing participant than accept the reality. And if you are a woman of a certain age, it had to be damn near impossible to escape predators.

Anyone else noticing the trend that the women who are coming out to cry about how wrong #MeToo and other campaigns are all tend to be of a certain older age and higher social class?

Exactly. There’s a way to convey intent without sounding like an ass. Saying that they were damned if they did and damned if they didn’t is still giving them a pass by implying they don’t even have even have the mental faculties to try. And I mean, maybe they don’t. But they’re not vegetables. I’m sure they talk all