
When I see these, I think I’m most curious to know what the hell happened between the second and third panels in the middle poster (where the woman slips on a banana peel). How does she go from being at the top of a staircase, slipping on the peel, to be on her back on the dish cart, hurdling towards the bathroom? If

Or if they all wear black dresses from mass market retailers. Let them buy out The Gap, Ann Taylor, J Crew, etc.

Or don’t show up. Force the tv shows to cancel their hours-long red carpet advertisement cash cow (or talk to a lot of dudes about their black tuxes). Watch the ratings of the awards plummet (half the people only tune in too see what people wore). Watch magazines that only judge women on their looks and hire creepy

The best protest would have been showing up in worn-out sweats and ponytails, without makeup or self-tanner or any of the bullshit that famous women are required to participate in if they want to be accepted. Refuse to be a sex object for them. Refuse to play by the rules of always having to be attractive.

Or go full Handmaid’s Tale with long red robs and white bonnets.

Fuck that. they should wear pajamas. Or a bikini. or bootie shorts. or a kaftan. whatever the fuck they would wear to make themselves feel awesome.


That whole “And YOU get a thing! And YOU get a thing! EVERYONE gets a thing! Aaaaghhhhhh!!! *face melts*” meme is one of my favorites that I use entirely too often. I’m serving dinner like “And YOU get a plate of meatloaf! And YOU get a plate of meatloaf! We ALL get plates of meatloaf for dinnerrr!! Wooo!” and my

In my city (Country?) it’s very much for dating too. I’ve been in situations where I have said “we are not having sex” and guys say “that’s what they all say, stop being coy”. Because I have an outgoing personality and they take that as flirtation.

I once had a date invite himself into the bathroom in my apt, push me onto the bed, and rape me. When he finished and I pushed him off (he was 6'4-I’m 5'6) and told him what he did was wrong and I was upset, he was BAFFLED. He was upset and kept apologizing. I had been saying “no stop. Please stop it hurts” during the

The more I learn about men, the more I’m not baffled. Just the other day my boss was going on about Kirstin Gillibrand and how he couldn’t understand why she read what she did in Trump’s tweet, that he didn’t see it that way. I was like, dude, but she did.

And boys need to learn early that they should be actively looking for the signs of a “no” just as much as they want to find signs of a “yes” if they care to avoid hurting people.

I think all of this has made it clear that lessons about consent are not being taught or just not sinking in. Men think rapists wear all black and carry knives and grab you and pull you into dark alleys or break into your house. They don’t think about alcohol or their own physical intimidation or anything. When I

Men know rape is a bad word, but think the action of rape is just fine. They refuse to admit otherwise.

I’m fascinated by the line “She said she didn’t want to have sex, and then we started to have sex.” He doesn’t say “She told me she changed her mind and really wanted to sleep with me,” or that she went to tyr bathroom for condoms , just that they started having sex, and considering she started crying it certainly

With “MeToo” somewhere in the title.

How long before Spurlock tries to monetize his confession in the form of a documentary series on a-newly-woke-man’s-guide-to-avoiding-sexual-harassment-and-assault he will shop around town?

Those police officers should be in prison for endangering the welfare of a minor and for kidnapping.

There’s a lot more going on with his suicide than just him being exposed as a rapist. I say this because there is going to be an avalanche of blame (and harassment and worse) directed at his victim. Before he blessedly relieved the Earth of his presence, a local public radio station was publishing an ongoing

Rosetta Tharpe’s induction is way past due. Nina Simone, however, is one of those odd inductions they make every few years (see: Joan Baez), who were not Rock and Roll, but rather successful in their own disciplines during and beside Rock’s popular era. (I say this as someone who has adored Nina Simone for decades).