
Remember back when Republican politicians “cared” about the President’s sexual predations? I wonder what happened to all that indignation.


Men like this cling to religion because the only way they’ll ever procreate is if they trick women into believing it’s their duty.

I was wracking my brain trying to figure out why Ryan would kick this gy to the curb over this. After all, women are vessels, right?

Well she’s a hypocrite and that’s purely political. I really hope someone calls her out on her garbage.

I think everyone knows, and I think Republicans are counting on Democrats to remove their own when something like this happens. Make no mistake, Franken absolutely needs to resign, but whereas Democrats will take the moral high ground, Republicans will not.

What’s quite interesting is how no GOP senators have done so. It’s almost as if they’re worried about their positioning on something. What could it be, I wonder?

Yeah, and It will be interesting to see how Seth Myers handles it. He has been very vocal about supporting women, but his buddy and show partner doesn’t have the best reputation

I am waiting for that too.

I know....I feel like it must be right around the corner.

Same - I am shocked NOTHING has come out.

Speaking of Fred Armisen, I was really expecting there to be new accusations about him coming out.

I knew I loved John Oliver. This just confirms it.

Thank you John Oliver, for being courageous. There are interviewers out there who won’t even stand up to a pedophile or the president who supports him and I can’t wait for you to interview Trump, any Trump, any Trump at all (through blood or through marriage).

Fuck yes


This is what being an ally looks like! Thank you, John Oliver, for using your privilege to hold Hoffman accountable. For any men wondering ‘what do I do’, this is it. You speak up and don’t let abusers get away with idiotic responses.


SING MIKEY SING!!!! I will personally drive a bus to DC for you to throw people under! Name all the names! DOOO ITTT.

Guess we move in different circles. I dont hang out with people that are or have been physically abusive to their spouses (I should clarify that to say, I am not currently aware of any). Perhaps making those who do such acts temporarily unemployed would be a good wake up call.