
(not to be that girl)

joanna, i really had that reaction yesterday. or maybe it was the day before. i don’t remember, but it was the day of the KY shooting and mattie larson’s testimony and i was like - yup. that’s it.

i’m 34 and i had literally the exact same reaction.

i’m very ashamed and haven’t gotten mine yet (and my work emailed me today too). the thing is - i’m currently laid back with a pretty nasty cold. the part of me that knows just enough science to be dangerous says it’s not a good time to get it. should i wait until next week, or is that dangerous part of me holding me


megan. not only did i start cough wheezing because of tiffany being the funniest person on this planet, but then i cheered and peed a little in my pants because you said “bet your bippy”. this has not been my greatest afternoon at work, but that goes to show you i should have stayed home one more day.

worth it tho.

RIGHT?! (re: the tokens)

yuppity yuppity yup yup yup.

ohmygod yes thank you i hate him but i don’t know why. i will say this - the fact that he’s playing the super bowl again this year, with NARY AN APOLOGY TO JANET JACKSON, is some forked up ish.

wait i love this.

yup, this. i remember in college (um, 15 years ago? maybe?) pew or similar came out with a study that shows that something like 15% of catholics think you’re going to heaven if you accept jesus christ as your savior, and that’s it... while something like 85% of nondenomenational christians think it. the reverse was

and saints! my (also southern europe) catholic family is YUUUUUUUUUUUGE into saints.

this is the problem with anecdotes, because i can’t think of any catholic women in my life (incl. my super pro-life grandma) who vote republican. i do know one who USED to, but she’s also cuban-american, so that’s part of it too. 

i’m more for having her switch to D!! GIVE HER ALL THE THINGS, CHUCKIE!

i don’t think you’re right about warren uniting the disparate wings more than gillibrand does. i don’t think either of them do that (in fact, i think no one does and that’s the whole shit sandwich there) but warren is as Harvard-Mass-coastal-elite as it gets and it’s not just republicans who find that annoying.

i would like to point out that if you split the white women (evangelical) vote from the white women (non-evangelical) vote, the numbers diverge WILDLY. something like 75-25 for Moore (evan) and 75-25 for Jones (non-evan).
i appreciate that i am grasping at straws here because i do not know any white women who would

i know so, so many of those kinds of douches, that there’s a part of me that’s relieved when they’re fratastic, because at least i know what i’m dealing with at the onset.

i need this show to die, so i can go back to my (LOVELY!) actual family vacations at the jersey shore and not get the super stale jokes from coworkers and “friends”.