
until your “almost 30" comment, i honestly thought you were me, down to the cast party for spring production. wow. glad to know i’m not alone, i suppose, but jeez.

I don’t know what’s happening. Traumarama AND Real World: Seattle?! THE 90S ARE ALIVE ON JEZEBEL AND I LOVE IT

ok, i remember one super racy one - perhaps it was from YM? - but it involved a golf cart and “doing stuff” in front of one’s parents on a golf course and getting caught. thinking back - how was i reading this and thinking that would be me one day? i don’t even touch guys i’m dating in front of my parents and i’m 34.

I HAVEN’T EVEN READ THE ARTICLE YET BECAUSE I WAS SO EXCITED TO SAY THIS!! ok this afternoon just got so good, it’s almost like don jr. released more of his emails!

plus they’ll (the supporters) never know because you KNOW fox news ain’t covering this shit.

vol (vomit out loud)

didn’t kate beckinsale also come out strongly against him?

michael bay is such a POS. i’ll never take an uber and i’ll never see a movie of his (although i hate myself a little for loving his Aaaaan Buhhhh Got Milk commercial. BUT I WAS A CHILD AND I DIDN’T KNOW BETTER and nostalgia is strong).


you’re speaking my language, so we can be old nerds together on the interwebs.

wait a sec. i think you’re onto something.

wait. watson isn’t named after dr. watson, like sherlock holmes!?!?!?!!

i know this is insane, since body glide is my ride or die...

i’m thrilled about this, but it feels like the beginning of a dystopian novel where multi-national corporations rule the world in a post-state society.

ugh. noooooooooooooooo re: palestine and the googling i’m about to do.

oh yeesh. i’m sorry, i must have followed the wrong chain to get there. and yeah - of course they did (swift’s team). and i’m sure katy perry’s not innocent either, but in the end - you’re 100% right. it’s a freaking job. (only vaguely related - this is why i don’t understand how actresses are “best friends” with

i just don’t know HOW to get the current izombie episodes without commercials (other than DVRing and then fast forwarding). unless i wait for the new season on netflix, which i’m willing to do for a lot of shows, but not izombie (mostly, cause my sister and i watch it together. also, i like to drool over rahul and

i’m your age - turned 34 last week! happy birthday! - and i take more than my allotted PTO. i think it’s cause i had a RIDICULOUS amount when i first graduated from college, and took it, and so each job that has had less (and they all have) makes me annoyed and makes me feel like i’ve earned more.

it sounds like that because that’s what katy says - who knows what happened? i think they’re totally making it up, or they’re both being totally ridiculous.

i mean - it sounds like katy did try to talk to her because katy said it. honestly, i’m over both of them at the moment so whatever, but believing katy’s version of the events seems to favor her from the get-go.