
no joke, i was just watching vids of surya bonaly yesterday! because i am a weirdo.

YES. ah, the 90s. remember when oksana baiul was the russia problem? (i just looked her up and apparently she’s ukrainian and now i feel bad and want to smack 1994 MA. oh well. remember shannon miller in ‘92? i’m not going to poke at that memory, i’m just going to keep it in ignorant bliss.)

i just risked getting super fired for trying to figure out where this gif is from. help a girl out?

sadly, i think that latter hope is in vain. sessions’ DOJ already decided to skive off its duty in TX, can’t imagine it’s gonna take up arms in GA.

seriously?? i thought it was like “you don’t understand...”.

a fucking CHILDREN’S birthday party.

yes. thank you. “I would never” - BUT YOU DID. “That’s not me” - YES IT IS. “That’s not him” - AGAIN, YES. “I accept responsibility for what I did, but” - NOPE ON OUT OF HERE WITH THAT BUT, YOU BUTT.

is it weird i am suddenly strangely turned on? yeah. yeah it is.

“bear in a salmon run” - can confirm, you have spent time in the PNW

oh thank god you posted this i was feeling pretty sad.

growing up (the daughter of an immigrant) i preferred “salad bowl” to melting pot: the concept that we all sort of rub against each other, with that special american “dressing”, creating a delicious melange of tomatoey vinegary peppery... stuff. but we can retain our cucumber shape!

(is it wrong that i occasionally hope he is also lying awake at night, thinking about this? so that he doesn’t let it happen again?)

wait... really? trampolines are bad? (not a parent, no idea)

WOOHOO! speaking out for the non-boston irish-americans!!

i know, right?! this always drives me NUTS.

oh god, this is totally going to happen.

so did the president!! he said he was still with us as a citizen!! i HAVE to hope that (plus the eric holder/redistricting effort) means they’ll both be fighting the good fight for a long time.

it’s dc. the cops are on our side, i’d say.

GUYS WHAT DO WE DO?!!? No, I’m actually asking.

at some point he talked about watching a documentary and i turned to my coworker and said, “can you imagine trump ever saying something like that” before bursting into tears.