
mmmmm i still have mine from ever after, i think.

gah i saw it while reading about melissa mark-viverito. like, seriously?!! effing A.

i’m not gonna lie, i used to be a work is my life person, but have grown up a bit and am now far more work-to-live. shockingly, i’m suddenly feeling completely out of place and looking for a job in nyc.
also, you know - if you wanted to create a dc meetup at boardroom for jezebel readers, i’d come and bring my single

i don’t date men who live in VA, so i felt compelled to make the number smaller ;)

as someone who has dated in both places, trust me - dc is way worse (caveat: for straight, cis women). in dc the number of avail women so drastically outnumbers the number of avail (straight) men that every single douchenozzle who think he’s god’s gift to whatever can go on “thousands” (ok, dozens) of dates by simply

i just threw up a little - seriously, the throat-throw-up kind - remembering a former friend who kept feeling me up under a blanket while his fiance was 3 people away. ugh.


is it just me or is this DEFINITELY a call back to center stage?

and other than the weird marriage twist, he sort of grew out of that. remember when richard was in the hospital? remember when he gave rory his car when L&L broke upt he first ime!?!?!? jflkjdsalkjlkjfdsalkjfdsa i cannot believe i want this to happen but i do, and i’m hoping the inclusion of the boys from the life and



yaaaaaaaaaaah! this. i was so team jess until this go ‘round (i’m 33 if that provides helpful context). and it’s funny - i really hate the last season of GG, so much so that i don’t watch most of it, but i came away from the last few episodes fully on team logan. i’m... not sure how to handle that. i think i shall


not yet!

(i laughed. i’m vaguely ashamed, but damnit i laughed)

i’m not OP but FUCK NO. now no relationship could EVER POSSIBLY match theirs, so why the fuck should i even try.

just to be clear, i am a uchicagoan (or alumna thereof) and i hate this letter. i agree, there are points on both sides of the debate but it’s such BS the way they’re going about it. Afdsalkjadsf;kjdsaf;lkjdsalk

yes yes yes yes yes yes yes. and in fact, a frat at UChicago MAGNIFICENTLY trolled the Westboro Baptist Church some years ago. safe spaces are needed, so that when psychos like ann coulter show up, you can then go back to your dorm room or club meeting space and feel like you’re safe enough to express your issues with

YES WHAT IS THIS?!?!??!?! massive zit. which, btw, pops upon landing (with some, um, assistance). still. WHY??

i thought this too... but then voted yes. this poll exists in a vacuum to me.