Oh, and this is one of the two games shown yesterday that I'm excited for. Which is nice...but a bit saddening as well.
Oh, and this is one of the two games shown yesterday that I'm excited for. Which is nice...but a bit saddening as well.
"I'll have more coverage on South Park: The Stick of Truth— which will be out next March for Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and PC— later this week."
Rayman Legends and South Park: the Stick of Truth are the only things that have excited me thus far. Nothing else has sparked my interest in the slightest.
Wow, the Last Guardian looked amazing. So excited for that game.
No, I'm just incredulous. Nintendo is partially to blame for this; none of the Wii games I've played made me think "Wow, I sure do prefer the Wiimote to the Classic controller!" I expect the same will happen with their new GamePad. With that being said, I'll be willing to give it a try, but only if its implementation…
The d-pad is terribly imprecise.
If I do get a Wii U (which is still doubtful at this point), I will only use this controller. Any games where the default gamepad is mandatory will have to be spectacular to grab my attention.
I don't hate all games, just the vast majority of them! I couldn't think of a decent username that made this distinction.
This leads me to believe that people have painfully low standards. But then again, this sort of makes sense with how the industry currently operates.
A friend and I played Borderlands together, but we couldn't complete it. The game was dull and repetitious to a mind-numbing degree.
Oh Mr. Pitchford. You haven't contributed at all to fixing that problem. Gearbox has yet to do anything great, and more importantly, anything different.
No, I hadn't read that. Thanks for sharing it!
I'm not saying that there can't be fun games. We've had thirty or so years of fun games, and I don't imagine we'll ever have a shortage of them in the future. However, I'd like to see the industry mature and try for something that isn't the norm.
Most of my complaints with the horror genre are already covered by others—Archaotic's views on the subject are very similar to my own—so I'll voice another, more widespread issue I have:
Thanks for adding that to the discussion; it's infinitely better than what I tried to convey.
Magic is extremely rare in Arda; the Ainur and Maiar (gods and demigods, respectively) are the only beings that normally make use of it. Even then, the spells used aren't usually tangible things like fireballs, electrical shield things, or the enchanting of a hammer with ice properties.
What the fuck is this glowing weapon, magic missile bullshit? This isn't Lord of the Rings.
The deer hunting bit was the one thing that excited me. Everything else just screamed "standard Hollywood thrill ride", from the game play shown—most of which seemed like scripted sequences (if last year's E3 trailer is anything to go by, they'll also feature QTEs), and the story glimpsed; Lara must live up to her…
Eh. I remember being excited at the initial unveiling of this game, when things appeared slower, and there was more of a focus on precise cutting. Now it just seems like a by-the-numbers action game by Platinum. Not saying this is bad, but it's just not my cup of tea.
So, Microsoft made good on their promises to deliver the sequels that everyone expected, Kinect trash, and applications that have little to do with games.