I am so confused.
I am so confused.
So you still can't construct your own deck. Well, I'm not interested at all.
Oh no. Some people somewhere might be offended. How will the world ever move on from this great tragedy.
It'd be great if Azathoth were playable as well. It'd be the most over-powered character in the game, though.
Bethesda isn't some indie developer (their games sell no matter what), and Zenimax isn't a fledgling publisher.
"it's so fucking stupid that I just don't care."
You're really intent on parading this about, aren't you? It's strange, as the two situations are completely dissimilar.
Just going to reiterate what a few others have already said:
Wow, that video annoyed me greatly. Not only did it begin with dubstep, but the narrator bumbled about explaining the excessively simple and unnecessary, all while sniffling and sounding generally unpleasant.
For a second I liked the Pikathulhu image... but then I realized that I had no idea what was going on. Why is Leonidas there? What's going on with the dice? What is that background? I don't get it.
I had a good amount of fun with that movie. The baby scene was...interesting, to say the least.
What kind of Embermage did you play? I enjoyed the Storm specialization a whole lot myself.
That'd be the *Outlander*. I liked its skill trees, but I was really off-put by having to invest in strength to increase weapon damage. I wish they'd allocate ranged damage to the dexterity stat.
Every day I go to the Runic Games website, hoping to see a release date for Torchlight II. While they've yet to announce it, Runic has posted a list of fixes and alterations to the game— based on feedback from the beta— which I will share with you now, dear reader.
Just having a bit of fun; I don't have any serious criticisms of the content. The amount of coverage was amusing to me and nothing more.
I'm glad this exists. I would have gotten lost, as there are seven non-3DSXL-related stories between the most recent four and the initial unveiling.
Bah! I saw the name of the article prior to the image loading for me, clicked it, and as the picture then filled the screen my excitement died abruptly. I've been waiting for a hardware revision that'd include two things: a longer battery life and a second analogue stick. I'm not sure if I'm going to settle for just…
Timesplitters 2 was my most played game on the original Xbox. I had an absurd amount of fun with it, and for the longest time I had wanted a sequel to Future Perfect (which I missed, unfortunately).
Ah! I'd completely forgotten about Castlevania. Still, I'm not optimistic.
It'd be lovely if they announced something Metroid related. A 25th anniversary collection would be best, I think; a compilation featuring the first four games in the series, along with Zero Mission, would make me very happy indeed.