"Steampunk Lovecraftian Horror by way of Joss Whedon"
"Steampunk Lovecraftian Horror by way of Joss Whedon"
They stand outside of stores with little boxes or pots for passerby to deposit money in, for charity and stuff. There are others that accept toys and books as well. They usually have a bell they swing about to bring further attention to themselves.
This video makes me happy. Much more than it should.
I remember some characters. Of course, they all reeked of mediocre high-fantasy archetypes. But, that applies to the stories they're in as well, so... it works I guess. Bethesda isn't very good at writing.
When did Zarbon get tattoos on his face?
Even with my own personal preferences, and what I think is deserving of that title; Owen's take on the GOTY situation is extremely refreshing. I've never heard it (or something similar) from any other gaming-focused writer/journalist/blogger dude, and it's awesome. At least I think so. Yay!
Thank you. Thank you so very much. A well-explained, well-written thought on the subject. It's glorious. Seriously, this makes me happy. I'm not being sarcastic in the slightest. I'd heart you a second time if it were possible, for whatever that's worth.
Imagine a room of people discussing and debating a highly volatile topic (which this is). There are points and counterpoints being shot about, and in waltzes Johnny with his mind-searing insight and a vividly-colored loudspeaker affixed with golden dildos :
Alright. Going to issue a sort of challenge here, simply out of curiosity. I don't expect anyone to actually do it, but whatever.
"____ wasn't disappointing, it was great. I had a lot of fun with it".
Personally, I'll be fine if graphics only slightly improve in the next-generation of consoles. From a technical perspective, what I'm really interested in seeing are more in-depth worlds, better animations, and greatly-improved AI.
Its face...
"I take pride in making money, not making an asshole feel good".
I've a new goal in life: to beat this man. Whatever it takes I'm gonna pull it off, and when that day comes the world will know me. Just you watch, people will drop loads of money on autographs and whatnot.
I don't think fucking ponies is what the Christian-Judeo god intended.
So, point out the situations where what I listed isn't the case.
One of the issues I have with Dark Souls is its lack of substantial story. With that being said, the universe and settings are interesting (like Skyrim).
"There's a depth to its stories, quests and people that we'll still be picking at years from now".
I'd rather have a Snatcher or Zone of the Enders remake. MGS already has a remake.