"basic human right"
"basic human right"
"Murder him! Burn him alive! DIE MOTHERFUCKER! SICK BITCH! Kill him! Torture him! Rabble rabble rabble!"
Metroid Fusion
This really makes me want a Cthulhu Mythos MMO. It'd be awesome to explore Arkham, Miskatonic University, and Innsmouth to name a few places.
Flash fiction I wrote in reaction to the mob mentality regarding Casey Anthony's acquittal:
Wait...so I'm going to be a rapist now? Fuck, man. Guess I should stop playing violent games before it's too late, and more specifically Borderlands; don't want to start Phasewalking-sprees.
To question 1: It was crazy. Crazy enough to share with others on a somewhat related topic.
That's the weird thing! I hadn't watched anything including vomit before. I was bothered at first, but everything went better than expected. I guess it can be added to my list.
Maria Ozawa. Never before have I fapped so hard to a woman being forced to vomit many, many times due to oral sex. Four guys. Four. Throat-fucking her. One after the other. It was an experience.
Mid-way through the game, there is a QTE sex-scene between Marcus and Dom. Squee!!!
Spoilers in reply.
Hoping that Torchlight receives a price-drop this coming week on XBL. I already have it on my laptop, but, I prefer the 360 controls (can't remember if the PC version had the option of using a controller). Plus, that fish-lizard pet is pretty snazzy.
Tech demo? Don't you mean experience?
I'm fapping so hard right now.
This. So, so much.
Mute button!
Well shit. Guess I'm not bringing my laptop with me if I should ever go to Canada.
Eagerly awaiting my copies of Borderlands and L4D2 to arrive; having a person to play co-op games with is fun! Yay!
Yep. They've chosen to screw you over. Just you. And to screw you over even more, Portal 2 will be free for everyone but you on your next birthday, whenever that should be.