game-hating andrew

That's not surprising in the slightest.

He's nearly faded away into obscurity. Excellent.

Show me where to sign! I can't wait to see Sasquatch Gangbang toys and games in Christmas catalogs! That'd be a dream come true!

Bat wing your ball sack and proceed to shave. The one-handed bat wing is a difficult maneuver, however; getting a friend to help makes things much easier as long as their hands aren't retarded.

All would be forgiven if Sega made a Sonichu game... Well, I'd forgive them, at least.

I don't want to limit your artistic abilities at all; do whatever you want!

Of course! I'd be honored!

I can't wait until my book, Sasquatch Gangbang, sells more than 400 million copies and I get to make a similar deal with Sony.

Don't be. Shitty people that shouldn't be having children aren't exclusive to any race.

Breeding licenses.

Yup, I read the English translation. It felt a little jagged to me, I suppose. Some bits were awkward to follow, but I still enjoyed it a lot.

Finished The Hobbit and Battle Royale recently, so as an intermission between Anansi Boys, by Neil Gaiman, and Horus Rising by Dan Abnett — which I'm getting on Saturday — I'm reading various things by Lovecraft. He's my go-to author when I've nothing new to read.

Isn't that the purpose of a demo, though? To convince the player to purchase the full game?

I tried one out recently, and the 3D effect was extremely disorienting. So yeah, there goes the primary selling point for me. However, I do look forward to purchasing one in the future, when more games are out.

Yay! I'll cherish it forever!

Yup, got it off Steam. It's pretty awesome I think, despite the copious amount of bugs. Think I'm going to go play it now. :D

Cthulhu Saves the World is such an awesome game. I just beat Dagon, and though it was cool, I have to say that I didn't like his design. Dagon is supposed to be an exceptionally large Deep One (as is Mother Hydra), so, seeing some sort of weird eel thing was disappointing.

Also: Which.

Minecraft on peaceful.