game-hating andrew

WH40K started putting chainsaws on stuff before Gears...just sayin'.

Nostalgia levels are critically high. Between DNF and OoT, there's enough nostalgia to cloud judgement and start flame-wars for years to come. May Cthulhu save us.

I hope that later on they'll add more color options. If they did a Jungle Green, that'd be amaaaaazing.

Gah. My hopes for being able to purchase one were raised and then dashed in an instant. I loved the original Xbox controller. /sad

Angelspit's older stuff (Krankhaus and Blood,Death,Ivory). I also just discovered Mangadrive, and I am quite pleased so far.


Nostalgia is the reason this game is so ardently defended. If it had nothing to do with Duke Nukem not a single fuck would be given. The points made are much less convincing because of this. You can't make others see through your rose-tinted glasses.

Thank you very much! :D

I remember seeing the trailer about mid-way through, and I seriously thought it was Mass Effect 3.

For my 20th birfday I'm going to play video games and beat-off. Probably write a bit as well. Should be a good day.

Think about what you're doing, don't just rush into shit.

I am now going to share a cab story, as it is somewhat related. I guess. I'm bored.

Apparently the parents are incapable of doing what their job entails. In a perfect society a vasectomy/tubal ligation would follow as a result of their breeding licenses being revoked immediately. Also, they'd have to go through numerous hours of parenthood classes whilst their child is in the possession of an

The only sort of Japanese games I have problems with are the modern anime-esque, retardedly incoherent, moe-bullshit ones. In short, anything that can inspire something even remotely similar to the provided video.

I loved Muramasa (though I've never played Odin Sphere), so I'm definitely getting this.

Dark Souls.

I hope this'll be the last nail in SK's coffin. Partially because I despise Dennis Dyack, as he's a vehemently stupid prick, but also because of their inability to be relevant for almost a decade. Eternal Darkness was their last original game that was good, but, it by no means grants them a free-pass I think.

I was going to say TGS, but I don't think Nintendo shows up to those. So nevermind.

I'm pretty sure Todd Howard confirmed that the ten races would all be back.