game-hating andrew

Yeah, I know. It'd be an awesome in-game joke though. Like, have their fatigue meter replenish slower than the other races.

Lovely screens, but I want to see an Argonian already. I'd also like an explanation as to how a cold-blooded lizard-man will survive in such an environment.


I envy your sharp wit.

That's weird, 'cause Ninja Gaiden has existed a long time before God of War.

Anyway you slice it; this game looks awesome.

Snail trails. That's the first thing that popped into my head.

And it's two-player friendly as well. ;)

Slap this on a console, add some lube, nipple-rings, a gag, and you've got the best Gears bundle ever. Ever.

Don't be silly, having this service ready at launch would've made too much sense!

Wow. That dialogue.


Let the butthurt flow through you.

"Mommy, Daddy, why can't we go to the real Disneyland?

I want your babies. /internet high-five

Earthbound 3 remade for the 3DS and set for release in the US this holiday season. - Never going to happen. Ha.

More God of War? Already? I thought the franchise was going to take a break for awhile?