
Alien: Earth

I could see one of his headlines:

You convinced me not to see it! But with my afternoon plans cancelled that day, I defaulted to my normal leisure activity of yelling at puppies, so it might be a wash

I could not disagree with you more. The chance for all these chefs to just talk about what drove them and fulfilled them about cooking was my favorite part of the whole season. I love that Storer gave them a platform and we got to listen in. I fangirled the whole time.

Being an asshole does seem possible. She IS married to Shia LaBeouf.

Just imagine if the genders were reversed here and how it would look if people were this skeptical of a woman complaining about being assaulted physically and verbally.

The most interesting take in this arena to me is from the folks with experience in the restaurant business, who’ve noted that odd late-night bang sessions are quite endemic to that world, and IRL Carm & Syd would likely have a fling and then nothing would come of it -- but television is still too immature for that

I’ll believe her when I (don’t) see her.  I feel like very few celebrities who announce they’re quitting actually follow through.  The ones who quit just... you know, quit and fade away.

Many directors are notoriously weird with style, and gross. They can afford to be because they’re rarely on screen.

Standard Raimi

Gilliam only did it to emphasize the surreal dream like atmosphere of his movie. “Little people = surreal” can be seen as a problematic Hollywood trope anyways.

Shit is so funny to me. What does she want to have happen here? What action should be taken and by whom? There’s no Grand High Cancellation Council that is refusing to hear his appeal.

“Won’t somebody PLEASE think of the transphobes!”

Brooks has said in the past that he’d do Spaceballs 2 if Moranis came back for it, and Moranis was signed on for a return in the Honey I Shrunk the Kids reboot (which also involved Gad) that got shelved during the pandemic, so maybe there’s a chance of Somehow Dark Helmet Has Returned.

I believe that he is the heir to the Arm and Hammer baking soda fortune. 

I’d have more sympathy, but he sucked as the Lone Ranger.

As a lifelong British person, I agree with this wholeheartedly.

thing is they still would never hire an out actor to play Superman in 2024. this story is from 20 years ago :(

Exactly! This is why the "why didn't they say anything" crowd drives me nuts. They shouldn't have had to in the first place. 

I hope this is an attitude they stick to. What I love about Pixar films is they make the worlds their own thing, even when the setting is more grounded. Take ‘Ratatouille’, for instance; leaving the anthropomorphic rats out of it for a moment, you could do that film as live action. You’d film it in Paris, use a real