SimpleGreen is PEOPLE

As someone trained by a circle of chefs, I can tell you the inside of a colostomy bag is an unfavorable comparison! I know that as a non trained chef, this is hard for you to believe!

I'm listening to it RIGHT NOW THIS VERY MOMENT. Dan's advice on making a tough decision is humorous and … kinda heartbreaking.

* finger guns *
Die Baby Pewdiepie, die!

God, that factoid is crazy. And yeah, when I saw Harris, Duvall and Shepard are in this my only reaction was, "What the shit?"

Banned in Utah babe.

Sort of. I was drained at the United 93 by the emotion of it. Bay specializes in stories with interchangeable parts and nonstop pummeling that goes on for too long. In Transformers those parts were giant robutts that I couldn't tell apart wailing on each other for a couple hours. In 13 Hours it was (mostly)

I kind of admired 13 Hours. It told the story relatively well and did not get too mired in politics. That said, I had the same reaction I have to many Bay movies: it kept pounding my senses until I felt worn out and ready for it to quit, but 45 minutes before it actually did quit.

Watt has the size, but the immigrants have the speed.

Plissken? 'Jake Plissken' would be sweet.

Oh yeah … I loved it! Where else could I get my fill of GLut comments?

It was Keith Hernandez the whole time!

A couple seasons ago I recall some mild amount of consternation over a contestant who was revealed to have a significant other away from the show. I think it was a guy. But I was pretty annoyed at the moral splitting. I complained to my wife that this person, who everyone was accusing of being there 'for the wrong

Oh, hell yeah. Believe it or not (if I weren't writing this, I wouldn't) I've sat through a few minutes of the god-awful Scorpion just because I knew Robert Patrick was there, yelling in some faces.

I liked The Unit, in spite of all my Lib-Tard leanings and … issues with some of the messaging. But it had Pedro Cerrano in it and was completely responsible for my everlasting (although somewhat fading) appreciation of Max Martini. I liked that dude but realized after seeing him in some subsequent roles that he is

Lobsters? Why, color me shocked. I remember him as a person dedicated to considerate conversation with a genuine interest in connecting with others!! (I don't need to tag this as sarcasm, do I?)

All this time I thought it was a prequel to Terminator 3, but it was actually a prequel to American History X. Now I know the rest of the story!

I quite liked it AND thought it was a mess.

It's great! I usually wait until just before the survivor gets reintroduced and binge it in an afternoon or two. I like that its less stressful and quicker than the show.

I hope she had death & dismemberment insurance in case that contraption snapped.

I'm not going to lie - I have to see this movie. Although, a love scene? That poor actress.