SimpleGreen is PEOPLE

I have a friend who is a gun-loving, socialist bad-mouthing conservative (not a nutter) who's favorite show of all time is Star Trek TOS. He writes fan-fic, but only about wars and war tech. Talk about missing the point!

One of my favorite moments in Sicario was, "Hey! It's Jeffrey Donovan! With an STD, I guess!"

Not really related, but I was inundated by a Canadian FB friend (young, white bro-ish guy) with pro-Trump arguments for a while before the election. It was weird and did not conform to my general world-view.

Eh? I wasn't trying to set a trap, just pointing out that this discussion could seem to have two sides. With my last sentence I was saying that I don't think either of us are likely uniform in our thinking …

Well, sure. One can find find examples of both throughout history. Binary opposition is threaded through language in a way that makes it difficult to trace back and separate from terms like 'hard-wired' or 'purposes of control'. I was a little imprecise in my language, partly because this is an online forum and partly

The two things I've gotten from this thread are that The Grey has dire wolves and that they wear hats. I cannot believe I have not seen this movie.

Ha! No, I understand. I debated replying partly because the thread was mostly unraveled (hee hee). But I figured you had put some thought into it, so it was worth a conversation.

I think you have a lot of interesting things to say here (I'll only respond to one thing tho'). You're right of course, when you note that reality does not consist only of two models. People are much too invested with ascribing mainstream political philosophies to violent dictators. Such people exist outside of these

Honestly, we probably already have President Pence. There was the reporting about President-elect Sex Criminal offering the Vice position to Kasich as, basically, President. Because Trump was not interested in actually doing the job …

The rarely seen "whoosh whoosh"! And outside of … wait no, exactly in its natural habitat.

Yeah! Us Gen X'ers invented never-ending streams of Simpson's quotes!

Well, I can certainly understand that! I have friends who confound me by their lack of interest in any challenging films. Or, God forbid, they have to read subtitles.

I agree that Hot Fuzz makes me think. About how much I love Bad Boys. Zing!

Well, I guess what I'm getting at, you touched on in this comment. Pleasant means different things to different people, as does provocative. I would definitely describe Moonlight as provocative, but never Hot Fuzz. Pleasant can be a pejorative or refer to a nice, un-challenging experience. Maybe I'm not certain why

There is a line though, wouldn't you say? Sometimes I am in the mood for something … I guess pleasant is as good a word as any. When Harry Met Sally is a perfectly pleasant movie. There are times when I'm in a mood to be provoked. During one of those times I finally watched Woman in the Dunes. But there are things

That's printed on his business card …

Always go with 'fart expert' when it is an option …

Damn right! I'm straight and when I got to that line I thought, "Well, let's just slow down a bit here …"

I read it as "We are the Ramones" and thought it was cool.

No beer and no TV make researcher … something something …

The conversation that Kurt Russell has with Richard Jenkins about his gruesome smelling tea is one of the best things I've seen on film for a while.