SimpleGreen is PEOPLE

Obvious spoilers for the books …

The second one is one of my favorite reading moments of the last several years. I liked the first one, but was unprepared for him to broaden the world. And darken it significantly. The third was one of the most disappointing reads I've had in the last several years. Quentin's journey

But we hardly ever see him! We just get to hear his panting.

That was one time I felt sorry for the actors involved. Especially Brad Pitt. Even though I know that didn't really happen to him in real life.

As much as I love Guy Pearce and generally support his casting in anything, I would have a hard time seeing him in a snowy Western and not think of Ravenous the whole time.

"… Vanilla Ice (as Mark Twain) …" well, now I HAVE to see this.

Laura is easily my least favorite character (as written, not acted) but I was very satisfied that she called out Valerie as being a bad parent and now also a bad friend.

"… adult characters treat it like revelations, when in real life they would come to those conclusions years earlier …"

I actually disagree with this, if only that people in real life are much subtler than TV characters. My wife has a decades long study of psychology, and just had such a revelation with her own mother.

I think my favorite thing about this episode is that all 3 characters had a sex scene, but Valerie was the only one who got off.

There's no chance that I will stop watching, because Watkins, but I am actually pretty hopeful. I think every episode has been better than the previous and the third one was my favorite thus far. I feel like they're giving us ways to connect with all the characters. Still need to work on the daughter though …

Too damn right. This pilot really, really didn't hit for me, but I'm going to continue just for her. Fortunately I watched the second episode and it settled into a much more enjoyable journey.

I'm very fond of Arthur as well. Every time he tries to be nice to Julie's mother and she snaps at him, I crack up. What a loveable guy! She hates him for no reason! Other than his WASP-ness I assume.

I had to pause the show, I was laughing so hard. My wife said, "I think they said 'cheap cut'." I disagreed and rewound it. The captioning agreed with her. I am on the fence about whether it was correct or not, as I heard the c-word both times.

It was one of my favorite pieces of the show. The fact that the super-hot computer could only love a freak with gills made me giddy.

It is also quite problematic (for me anyway) because of the questions about Crippen's guilt.

Have you read the book? It is a much more interesting potrayal of a character with issues than the movie. For example …
*spoilers, for the book if needed*
The main character is much more unlikeable than Bradley Cooper. There is less touchy-feely therapist interaction. And, the big dance competition at the end is … for

Here you are sir. I did not intend that to be as opaque as it ended up …

Absolutely! There's a piece on … some other website … about movies … the dissolution or something, about Heat and the different recycled ideas, themes, stories and even entire scenes that Mann reworked. It was famously his TV movie first, but I had no idea how many times Mann had used them. And, obviously, finally

I think you're dead on. The dialogue toward the end was revealing. (To paraphrase) Link: we lost a lot of good soldiers up there. Dominick: we can get more soldiers.

Not only that, but last episode Sarah mentioned that a lot of what they are missing is probably contained in the police interviews with Jay … that were never recorded. It's not like they are ignoring it, it's that a lot of it does NOT EXIST.

Here ya go, man.