SimpleGreen is PEOPLE

Speaking of music, I cannot, CANNOT list to Warren Zevon singing "Back in the High Life" without getting all kinds of teary.

If you value the opion of some rando on the internet, I'd say give it a shot. In all honesty, I found it good enough to recommend without it being the greatest thing I've seen on film. The issue of complex women didn't bother me much, partly because there are only two complex characters on the show period (including

Or ejecting the warp core. Hold on to your potatoes!

I can certainly relate to this reaction now, years after I read it. But at the time, that ending took me utterly by suprise and it was one of the most devastating things I had ever read. If I think about it, I can still feel it pretty intensely.

It was one of the few times I hadn't seen an ending coming, at ALL. If

Maaaaan, I'm about the same age and I'm aging as well as Lindsay Lohan. My wife and I are almost the same age and I swear people think I'm her father. On the plus side, they also sometimes think, "How'd that wrinkly monster land her?"

I ALWAYS take off my pants to eat cake …

Granted, coming back from almost dying from cancer is probably more impressive, but winning the tour with shotgun pellets still in your chest is pretty goddamn amazing!

I'm also a fairly avid cyclist and I have to say I oppose doping for a couple of reasons. First, it really isn't that safe. I suppose you could make an argument about professional athletes already putting themselves in harm's way, but while these new PEDs are being perfected, they lead to lots of physical issues,

That's funny, to me she always seemed to fit perfectly into the "pretty, but not gorgeous girl who everyone likes better because she is famous" category. I find her cute, but not more so than most reasonably attractive 20-ish girls.

Fun fact: the geographical center of North America is in North Dakota. I was told by Michael Moore's little-seen, little-remembered TV show in which they sent a correspondent to find out why, exactly, anyone would want to visit North Dakota.

Yeah, it's really too bad. His slowly unravelling character in Sunshine was one of the most memorable things about that movie.

Have a chocolate!

Ha! Thanks for that. I missed the review over there and went to read it due to this comment. That was seriously some entertaining commentry.

Completely agree with you re: the kid snapping. They went to great pains to show that being beaten on a regular basis was taking a huge toll on him. Also, during the episode where he does eventually shoot Will, every time they swicthed to his perpsective all noise was drowned out by a sort of drone, indicating (to me

Yeah, I'm … sorta? desensitized to it. The gore doesn't bother me a ton, but there are things that still make me twinge. Like the guy crawling out of a horse. But what really made me queasy during season one was the affect the work had on Will. There were times the display of a person literally falling apart wore me

I don't know that you always need to bring these things up, but I am kinda curious his thoughts on the Dierks vs Jason Isbell minor controversy from when Home came out …

I actually enjoyed Kiefer in it. Besides, he wasn't Walkenning, he was Lorre-ing.
I guess I have te re-watch 13th Floor. I forgot that D'onofrio was in it and he's pretty much always a good time.

Whoa, whoa … don't drag Dark City into this. I will defend that film with my last(ish) breath.

The Thirteenth Floor came out around the same time and I vaguely remember that it sucked.

Absolutely. I think the show has very successfully shown that Kalinda was employed by the firm, but loyal to Will. He was the only one she really confided in and he was the only one who could reliably talk her into staying when she felt the call of the open road. In fact, the moment I suspected something was going to