SimpleGreen is PEOPLE

My co-worker made me watch that because he loves Modine. And you know what? It actually holds together pretty damned well! Definitely odd tho'.

Oh, absolutely my experience. Kirk Acevedo describing his inability to feel his feet may be my most crisp memory from the show. I shiver just thinking about it.

I had a very similar reaction. She invented what she might have wished for, but in a way it was the worst of all.

I understand and acknowledge each of your observations, but I honestly love this show so much, at this point I would not care if every episode got an A.

Oh, and never regret a nitpick. Where would the AVClub be without them?

I didn't watch the last several seasons of 24, but I almost can't express how excited I was by the sight of Chloe with the dragon tattoo.

All signs point to yes! Seriously though, check out the page address. It sitll contains "stiff-worthier-competition".

The Usual Suspects is an interesting case for me, because I liked it upon first viewing. After that, I liked it less each time I thought about it. Eventually I decided that if it was referencing anything, it was a goof on the 'it was all a dream' style of movie, which I generally hate anyway. It became the definitive

another test


You know, you're probably right that it is often a justification for an inadequate product. You're also absolutely right that is is difficult to make a heartfelt and direct work of art. It is also pretty hard to make subversive material that really lands. I'm curious, of the movies you named, do you like either of

Hmm. I'm not going to try to talk you out of any of this, because it's your opinion (emphasis on opinion).
I will take issue with one thing though - I don't think it's bullshit to say he may have made his casting or film choices in an effort to subvert the subject material. I don't know whether he did or not, I don't

I don't see color!


Oh. That actually makes (comic book) sense. I still would have preferred Clive Owen over Josh Brolin.

Damn right! That was my biggest guffaw of the episode, can't believe it didn't get a shoutout.

I guess there was one
too many. And he broke.

You're right, it was too far and I also saw it coming from a mile away. BUT, I am letting it slide because 1 - that desk cop sold the delivery and 2 - all the characters shift back and forth between insightful and dense. I mean hell, look at Nick. Sometimes he is a giant doofus and sometimes he picks up on very subtle

Thank you for that correction. Her attempt is a pretty serious turning point in the original story.

No, you're right, Vonn is clearly the *more successful skier*. But, although Mancuso has no season titles, she has won 7 WC races and been on the podium 35 times. She did have a rough recent season, so I understand low expectations. BUT, it's one of the areas where NBC so clearly has a pre-packaged narrative that they

Their decision to underplay Mancuso Olympics after Olympics is perplexing. She wins some medals and then next time they talk about how Vonn is going to clean the field. Then she wins more medals. Then next time they talk about how Vonn is out. Then she wins another medal and they ask her what she thinks about Vonn not