SimpleGreen is PEOPLE

* two detectives enter a room of only hat bands *
Oh, you sick fuck!

He so clearly said 'Somalian' that it took me a moment to figure out what he actually meant.

Weird isn't the exact word. I won't say much to avoid planting ideas, but to me it was different enough that I had a noticeably different reaction to it. My wife enjoyed it the most of all three.

I am an unabashed fan of KS Robinson and am always interested in hearing what people thought of the last book in that series. Otherwise, how have you enjoyed the first two?

*puts sunglasses on*

The Pit and the Pudendum …

That bothered me a little too. Although ultimately I think I was able to swallow it as the show giving an example of why exactly the family interacts with him like they do. Because he's opaque and strange and incapable of having a consistent interaction.
I dunno. As I type that out I'm reverting to thinking that it's

Now if I ever get three wishes, I don't think that I can avoid wishing for someone around me to have a sausage-nose.

Yeah, that was a little strange. It's not THAT archaic.

Ditto. One of the hew times I enjoyed Phillipe.

Honestly, it made me sad to see Ben leave that accounting firm, yet again. It also made me inexplicably sad when Jamm admitted that Leslie was his best friend. Sad couple of episodes for me.

Any time Sue talks, it bumps my grade up at least a half, especially if she throws in a "and so on and so forth and what have you." A- for me.

I would comment more, but I am having a hell of a time getting logged in. (Can't through AVClub login, only though Disqus).
So, um, an A eh? Is this show good now?