
It’s because the victims are always “acceptable” collateral damage.

What is the point of having this idiotic requirement? It’s a stupid fucking rule.

The African American populace is and has been in terror via the very real threat of white people killing us in the name of white supremacy. State-suppported, systemic, institutional white supremacy *is* the larger operation. This crime does not exist in a vacuum and should not be separated out from the multitude of

Fuck off with this shit, please.

the panicked employee who had called the cops was being “counseled and retrained.”

As a lawyer who handles divorces, incapacity, and death issues: I LOATHE people who say “they must have known” about cheating, abusive behavior, sexual deviance, pedophilia, etc. These are often the same people who scream at women when they complain about men telling them to smile, men being handsy, etc.

Oof. I had a very similar experience with my ex. To make it all the more disturbing, he was also meeting people for anonymous sex while I was still breastfeeding our daughter. I had zero suspicions until he used my computer to arrange one of his meet-ups and didn’t sign out of his fucking hotmail.

Exactly. I divorced a man that I found out had been going on Craigslist having sex with strangers—both men and women—for our entire marriage. I had no idea at all. Not even an inkling. I definitely didn’t know he was bisexual, and I didn’t know he was cheating on me. I told someone about it once and they refused to

Feel like Bruno Mars has somehow market tested my brain to create songs that appeal directly to me on, like, a biological level

Well it is just a shame you don’t want children because you would be the perfect mother, wouldn’t you?!

Oh god, you are hilarious!

It has nothing to do with babies “starving.” As a matter of fact, I’m nursing my daughter right now (at home), but I have no qualms about nursing in public. I don’t use a cover, either (I’ve tried but she hates it and I’m not going to wrestle a baby who has my nipple in her mouth). And while sure, the baby CAN wait,

The whole point of this article is that historically grandparents did have a bigger role in childcare. Meaning, in effect, that the grandparents in this article were receiving as much free childcare from their parents as their kids are expecting from them. I’m not saying society can’t change, I’m just saying these

Democrats pro-life sound exactly like Jews for Jesus.

Also, can we stop calling them ‘honor killings’? It’s murder, plain and simple. The root of the motive may be sexist, patriarchal cultural ideas, but it’s still murder. Calling it ‘honor killings’ implies there a legitimate reason for it, or that culture can be used an excuse. It cannot.

White bread, obvs. This is Exeter, after all.

I think the safest interpretation of that is that

i really can’t imagine choosing to have sex that doesn’t involve an orgasm (a real one) for me. i just fail to see the point of it. there are other ways to maintain intimacy that don’t involve me having to fake an orgasm for the sake of someone else’s fragile ego. i know this is normal for many people but i don’t

Or what one of my ex’s would do:

To be honest, anything a Baby Boomer says to me is automatically suspect. You idiots spent 50 fucking years sucking off the system and giving nothing back. You've left us all with a hollowed out infrastructure and a flattened financial system. So thanks for that. Don't worry, though. Your kids will clean up your mess