
Oh, even nicer. You try to bone the unenthusiastic, and then apparently you stick around for being coerced into sex you don’t want. What marvelous relationships you must have!

Uh...yes, that’s right, if you’re not getting a clear and enthusiastic “yes”, that’s rape. Do you often try to bone women who seem lukewarm about the whole thing, or what?

Hey, you didn’t hurt anyone else; why judge? But if it happens again? Some things you can do without guilt or shame:

Say no thank you. No matter how many months or years it’s been.

Because you’re not his sex mommy. Just like my depressed husband wasn’t my sex daddy. If you’re severely depressed, and you just don’t want

The symbol, I understand what it’s trying to do, but it looks like a dress-wearer in a stiff breeze.

I really didn’t need to wait till the last two lines to know that your partner is a woman - that was pretty obvious right away. And I’m betting that, were she off for two weeks with a bunch of women talking about their sexual experiences, she’d come back feeling a little different about the whole matter.

It’s in those

So your partner gets happy when you have sex you don’t really want? In order to please him?

“mismatched sex drives” = one partner wants sex and the other doesn’t.

Let me repeat that: doesn’t.

If you can’t “maintain intimacy” without having sex with someone who doesn’t really want to have sex, something is wrong with your relationship.

The whole idea of maintenance sex needs to go away.

You have some deeply fucked-up ideas.

I’ve been both married and long-partnered. And the idea that the other person is there as a fucking instrument for your use, and has some responsibility to make sure you get off as you desire, is just - wrong. It’s just wrong.

If you’re married (or not married) and you don’t want


Yeah, I don’t think you get to have a “news site” full of celeb trash and then do this too, Lauren. I actually don’t like it that you’ve dragged him into this.

Oh, my god, they both sound hideous even by Vows standards. I was 4000% unsurprised when This American Life showed up in the narrative.

Lolacat, you are a beautiful person. But I am afraid you would not have been able to help this lady and her kids. Because if the likes of this lady began bringing her children to you, at least some of your neighbors would be freaking out. And you would begin to resent how the mom was treating you, too.

I would bet money that:

Meh. I honestly had no idea who she was, and if a gate agent told me I was lucky for flying first class, I’d be all “OMG I KNOW, RIGHT?” (Unless it’s one of those crap “first class” sections that’s pretty much the same as coach.) First class is the shit. I love how the flight attendants try to get you drunk. I don’t

Shut up and stop focusing on punishment, you sicko. I mean obviously that’s the important thing here, right? Your desire to punish and see people punished?

The fact, and you know it damn well, is that if we had sensible gun laws this woman wouldn’t have a gun. Someone would’ve known that she had this gun and shouldn’t have had it, would’ve reported her, and the gun would’ve been removed from the house.

The reporters who came around after those deaths helped to publicize terrible injustices. Helped to start a movement.

Random people who show up to make money off the death? Which is what, in the end, the news crew was there for? Yeah, I’d say you’ve got every right to be a complete asshole to them.

Nobody’s saying that part was right. Scheme of things, though? Don’t fucking show up across the street where someone’s kid has just been killed and talk in chipper fashion in order to sell ads for a TV station.