
More substantively: when you say “white people shouldn’t get to” etc. — and this would be enforced how? The problem, at bottom, isn’t political but aesthetic. People adore shit. Absolutely love it. The Phantom of the Opera is *still running*. Figurines. Ice dancing. America’s Funniest Home Videos. Donald Trump. Polar

Please, please use a good editor before you publish. You’re writing interesting stuff and then you undermine yourself with missteps like “exhaustedly praised” (you mean “exhaustively”, which still isn’t quite right) and grammatical errors. It does make a difference.

Aaand she turns out to be a varsity football cheerleader. I know everybody’s shocked.

Dear Leslie,

Bernie sure as hell is one of them - ask the women’s groups who tried to work with him while he was in Burlington. In his mind, push comes to shove, the people who make things go are men, and if a woman manages to survive in there she’s an interesting curiosity, nothing more. I have a lifetime of Uncle Bernies behind

Yep. Still all done with men. Want nothing to do with any more of them. I don’t care how many of them complain about #notallmen. If they want more trust, they’ll have to do something about male culture.

It seems to me that Bernie’s doing exactly what I’ve seen aging guy after aging guy do: kindly and chivalrous old gent until it’s plain that a woman, and not even a hot woman, is going to wipe the floor with him because she’s just terrifically good at what she does, and then he freaks out, and then he copes by

I’m Jewish, and I think this is a ridiculous comparison.

If only study after study confirmed what you say instead of confirming gender bias in hiring/promotion/salary-setting against women, particularly mothers and older women. Unfortunately, it’s very much about sex.

Dude, kids are almost never kidnapped. And your little girl is on the verge of not being so little anymore. It’s just about time. She can handle it, she’ll be fine, and the women in the ladies’ will help her out if she has trouble.

I’m so baffled by the whole “bathrooms are where you go to get raped” thing. Has there been some kind of turbochristian thing in the last 15 years teaching young people that this is where the sodomites go to hang out, watch wangs, and try to convert nice Christian men? The men’ room at Target? And then maybe it’s

I seriously don’t understand the obsession these guys have with basic bodily functions, but I do accept readily that this is the highest level of development most registered Republicans have reached.

Because she’s with her dad and brother and it’s likely there’ll be less objection to that situation than to the dad and brother trooping into the ladies’ to accompanying her there?

Total aside: so he’s Roy Orbison now, or what?

The Niebelungenlied. That’s what he was reminding me of.

I believe that lung-disease word up there ends in -kyniosis, not -koniosis.

Yeah...sorry, this is just too depressing to comment on.

What happened to this man’s face, and did it come with mental impairments? Are we sure he’s qualified to be a judge? He doesn’t look like he’s qualified to be a judge. I think we should be looking into this.

The fact that you’re used to being abused by your court system doesn’t mean that it’s something others should expect or respond to in survival mode. National news is appropriate.

Cool. I’m thinking this is being released now because there are also new end-of-presidency Defense policies ready to roll out. Looking forward to seeing them.