
I’m so baffled by the whole “bathrooms are where you go to get raped” thing. Has there been some kind of turbochristian thing in the last 15 years teaching young people that this is where the sodomites go to hang out, watch wangs, and try to convert nice Christian men? The men’ room at Target? And then maybe it’s

I seriously don’t understand the obsession these guys have with basic bodily functions, but I do accept readily that this is the highest level of development most registered Republicans have reached.

Because she’s with her dad and brother and it’s likely there’ll be less objection to that situation than to the dad and brother trooping into the ladies’ to accompanying her there?

Total aside: so he’s Roy Orbison now, or what?

The Niebelungenlied. That’s what he was reminding me of.

I believe that lung-disease word up there ends in -kyniosis, not -koniosis.

Yeah...sorry, this is just too depressing to comment on.

What happened to this man’s face, and did it come with mental impairments? Are we sure he’s qualified to be a judge? He doesn’t look like he’s qualified to be a judge. I think we should be looking into this.

The fact that you’re used to being abused by your court system doesn’t mean that it’s something others should expect or respond to in survival mode. National news is appropriate.

Cool. I’m thinking this is being released now because there are also new end-of-presidency Defense policies ready to roll out. Looking forward to seeing them.

Meh. I have no reason to sound hip, of course, but I’ve been significantly underwhelmed by what I’ve seen so far of Hamilton, which strikes me as this decade’s Cats. If you take out the hip-hop it’s grade-school jingoism. America’s great, New York is great, land of opportunity, you can make it, bunch of other

Yes, I know, you’re post-apologetic and you’ve every right to be. I agree entirely about your PM, btw.

Once again: this is why I really want nothing more to do with having a man living in my house, dating men, etc. The fact that it comes across as an incredible act of self-restraint when most men stop themselves from behaving as though they have the right to make you do things, be things, be the thing they want,

Oh, I believe it. I remember this going on with Obama, too — he was a perfectly reasonable candidate, but human, and these people made him out to be the Second Coming. And then of course were furious when he turned out to be a guy, blamed him for it. I really think there’s some religion-seeking need in a lot of

This is hilarious. Subthread full of young men behaving *exactly as described*. I wonder what the neurological thing is that blinds them to this.

I’m sorry, death threats, threats of violence, and slurs from Hillary supporters? Where please?

You shouldn’t be surrprised at alll. Loud violent men have a way of crowding out every other narrative and memory. What I remember of my caucus: the screaming shaved-head Bernie asshole. All he needed was a beer stein.

Jeez, you’re as a bad as men who start notallmenning you the minute you point out problems among men.

I watched the Cafe Society, what a load of drivel. Who goes to see these movies? Who, at this point, is interested in a droning, self-absorbed professor’s ability to get his dick working while a comely co-ed is patient with him?

Your mom is watching Criterion movies and TV classics on Hulu, and has decided it’s up to you if you want to rot your brain with CBS.