
Right. Well....

I’ve been a single mom for a decade; mom to a small child and a mentally ill husband before that. My parents have never shown up to help out.

Let me put it this way: If you are reasonably comfortable, and you’re not looking around to see who you might be able to help, yourself, doing small helpful

Meh. Single mom here says you can still use it. I told her to fire her household staff, put all money in escrow except $60K a year (that’s an expensive place they live in), refrain from using Facebook staff for personal errands/help; go. For a year. She does that, she can start talking. She ain’t gonna do it.

Let’s not overstate the case. She’s beginning, because she’s being walloped with a smidgen of reality daily, to see glimmers. That’s pretty much it, though she’s real fuckin sure she sees the whole glorious light.

Yeah, I’m also pretty furious. What the bloodiest of fucks. You now have to do it yourself, with the help of all the household staff you can throw money at; you will never have to worry about a goddamned fucking thing except how to continue fulfilling yourself in your career while doing part of the work of taking care

My head is exploding with rage. I don’t think I can tolerate this unfortunate JAP’s discoveries tonight, not while she’s sitting on sixty bazillion dollars.

This is why God invented therapists.

1. Those are some dope uniforms.

Apprised. He was apprised, not appraised.

Yep. My Wicket Goods are 9 years old, definitely coming apart, worn daily, and I’m thinking actually I could mend them because they’re mostly fine.

I have never worn out any article of clothing from Bean, and if I took care of the hiking boots like I should, they’d go 30 years easy, even after 18 years of being my

Please do not be the horrible upper-middle-class parents who’re actually too busy and tired to pay attention to the kid but have decided that she’s a fucking birthday cake on wheels unless she’s pissing you off personally, in which case she’s a little bitch. Because I can smell that from here. And because these are

You’re whining about the fact that some of the whiniest, most selfish, most sheltered people on the planet — TV writers and producers — aren’t making parenthood look more attractive for you. Ffs.

Guessing you were there during the Skorton years?

You should never doubt that a university will sue you if you do anything that can be seen as damaging their brand. Including suing them.

Editors and agents stopped having anything to do with writing decades ago. Same with publisher’s reps. I really miss the days of talking to smart people who did those jobs, people who could really read and cared greatly about books, and were generally interesting people. Now they’re garden-variety bits of marketing

Because men skew to horrible. Much more than women do. That’s my considered opinion after decades of hanging with men and women.

I really just don’t trust men anymore, and I try not to be alone with them. It’s one thing at work, or in a restaurant or something where there’s lots of people around, but I’ve seen too

Oddly enough, lecturer or very senior assoc. prof trying to relive prep school days. Medievalist or French theology person. In the area. Shitting bricks, no doubt. Wonder who.

I’ve watched this 18 times and I still don’t understand it

You know what’s great? With very few exceptions, I have absolutely no idea who these people are or what they’re famous for. Never heard of most of them.

Exception: if “I feel like” is followed by “a motherless child”, then that’s fine.