Do they? Remember friend codes on Wii? People shat all over them for it. Guess what Steam uses to add people most easily? Friend codes. Otherwise it’s a crapshoot if you’re finding the right person.
Do they? Remember friend codes on Wii? People shat all over them for it. Guess what Steam uses to add people most easily? Friend codes. Otherwise it’s a crapshoot if you’re finding the right person.
If there’s a game that nobody played that deserves a second chance, it’s this one. It certainly needs a visual update and some polish will not hurt.
So I’m very happy that this remaster is happening!
the sandy colour of the wrist strap accessory to go with them is just uuunngghhhhh
Only when you stick the word ‘bleedin’ in front of it ;) Anyway no one ever takes Irish phrases into consideration when they name games , otherwise “Epic Mickey” would never have been released with that name .( unless it was some sort of magic mike/just dance mash up)
“It’s dumb that they just brought back Palps after not mentioning him in either of the previous movies. Like we’re supposed to believe that he was like just off-screen the entire time.”
Fahey, if you ever leave, we RIOT.
What I see is a vent that has become even more effective at venting. Think of it as a lifehack.
Evidently we didn’t see those huge villages in the game. That’s one of my big complaints about S&S - you go to these gym battles with crowds of thousands and then the town consists of...two houses? And a few people milling around? Not very immersive.
I like to think that one of the cool things about Kotaku is that you can come here for more information than you’ll get from a publisher’s press release. This is a good example of that. It’s not necessarily controversial or explosive info — it’s just context that you won’t find anywhere else.
I read this, and the first thought I had is that you are being too hard on yourself.
You can visit whoever the heck you want as long as you don’t shout at me about it.
Stupid Sexy Batman
Ian Glen’s Dreiberg was pretty good but Stevenson’s Rorschach.....*wince*
This was neat and all, but all it reminded me of is that Jackie Earle Haley was spot on for Roschach.
On a sidenote, i give mad props to Elon, for unveiling a unique and weird truck that will most definitely see the light of day for the public, rather than these dream-like-fake prototype BS, made just for a jerk off session for the car fanatic and dick size comparison among automobile companies! Does Lamborghini think…
Of course this isn’t out in the US. Americans can’t afford ambulances.
He’s hilarious on Twitter and him saying that The Rolling Stones haven't had a James Blunt level hit is very much the humour he'd use
I quite literally write, in the opening paragraph: “She is neither married to Phillippe or responsible for him.” She is in both the cover image and in the bulk of the article, however, because her inclusion in the lawsuit, and Hewitt’s belief she has evidence to prove guilt, defined significant portions of the legal…
Generally, complaining about “being dragged into politics” is rich and influential speak for “I don’t want to be pulled out of the comfort of my cushy and limited worldview.”