Heard’s ex wife demines that she was not abused. No one else has claimed that Heard abused them other than Depp.
Heard’s ex wife demines that she was not abused. No one else has claimed that Heard abused them other than Depp.
It really says a lot about the world we’re living in that a woman doing a basic, surface-level feminist reading of video games became such a lightning rod. I haven’t engaged with everything she’s done, but I watched a few of the Tropes v. Women in Video Games videos and it was very mild and friendly. The way people…
Even then I had to re-read that line three times to fully understand the sentence.
“My eyes ran over the hairy expanse of Dov’s thighs and settled on the bulge in his underwear. It struck me as kind of profound that whatever was covered there by a few cubic inches of American-made cotton could be the root of so much turmoil. Truly the crotch that launched a thousand ships.”
What’s wrong with living at home? Wages are shit, and housing prices/rent costs are soaring. Living at home, while not ideal, saves quite a bit of money if everyone pools their resources together.
Speaking of VR like experiences. Sega World London was a celebration held in 1993. It was an amusement park event held by Sega with arcade games and one of them was a motion simulator called the AS-1, which featured an exclusive game by Michael Jackson. This game has been lost to the ages...until now. Tape footage was…
No. The Director’s Cut of Aliens is awesome. the rest of your statement? eennnhhh...maybe
People who acknowledge their mistakes, apologize, and are ultimately held accountable should be allowed to land on their feet eventually. The extent of his transgressions hardly meets the threshold for “unforgivable”. He resigned from the Senate, went through the cancellation spectacle, and now (5 years later), people…
Hope they dial back the rpg part this time. Gave up the previous one?(the one with the school) because there was too much running around in the city instead of advancing the story.
Would have had no idea if I hadn’t seen your comment. What a massive shame, was one of the bright spots on Kotaku back in the day.
It’s been a few days now and there’s no acknowledgement of Fahey’s passing. I’m very disappointed in the current Kotaku staff.
I think I’ve got it:
It is always amusing when someone is completely unable to look outside their own experiences in an attempt to be critical.
Two grown ups on their second marriages, and second go-rounds making their “honeymoon” an opportunity to have a family vacation with their newly blended families is not even a little bit weird.
The new logo is an absolute masterpiece of graphic design, and whoever came up with it should be given an incredibly large raise
Okay, Stephen Ddungu here. Firstly Jeremy, I didn’t know you were going to make it a race issue, I’m quite disappointed to be honest.
With so much opposition from the Left, why are you 100% sure these leaks are coming from Republicans?