Ignatius Reilly

I started watching this this morning before I had to go to work, but from what I’ve seen so far, Chris and his partners seem to be on point with their sources and their examples thus far. Just, I can’t even fathom how someone like Boumaaza gets a following like this. It can’t be just because of the prospect of getting

Hello Bachir!

He said, from his brand new Kinja account... 

You cannot call that a feasible defense of researched material when this is what you are commenting with.

Huh, the only people commenting so far to refute anything have no prior posts here. Fancy that. I’d bet this is going to be a trend. 

Christ, this dude replies to every question with word vomit.

wow it must suck to buy a product and realize it wasn’t good. i bought an orange vanilla coke the other day and it turns out those taste like fuck, so that was a blatant money grab by the coca-cola corporation

“a11y” is not specifically twitter-speak for “accessibility”. It’s general programmer speak, following the pattern of “i18n” for “internationalization” and “l10n” for “localization”, the processes of making a program work in multiple languages, and work in a specific language, respectively. The number is the number of

Yoshi’s Island was so great that they haven’t made a good Yoshi game since, but they can keep making Yoshi games. It’s like how there’s a Jurassic Park franchise, but only one good movie in the series

I think it appealed to a small group of Marling’s acolytes. But for the rest of us who are tired of self-important, pretentious bullshit, the show was middling at best. It’s whole “Girl who is so precious and special she’s too good for this world” thing relied too much on mystery boxes.

It was the kind of thing that

What a weird way to respond to this article.

Scum like him make me hate our legal system. Even if it’s well documented, he might get away with it fully due to some technicality. News and business can’t label him the creep he is blatantly, because that could be “false accusations” if he’s found not guilty.

Raizada is yet another short term investor destroying things for personal profit.

Except, Raizada, this shit is documented. So fuck off.

Eh, I work for a startup with almost no web presence for the company itself (although sites we’ve developed are online). Everything a company does with a website is accomplished through the extensive network of contacts upper management already has. They've never had a need for a strong web presence. They pay me and

The funnier PA strip this week:


It’s easy to talk about “mental health” when it’s someone like me who’s depression just causes them to shut down and hide away, or someone who’s anxiety can stress out or frustrate the people around them.