Ignatius Reilly

Thanks for that. It’s not so much the visiting I’m wary of...more like the staying. Or going off the beaten, tourist path.

My favorite part of punk is being condescended to about how my choice of punk actually disqualifies me as a punk. My second favorite part of punk is when someone makes me listen to just this one song in a brave attempt to cure me of my punk deficiency. My third favorite part of punk rock is making fun of Glenn Danzig.

Look, are you going to support the writer’s narrative or not? Get out of here with your information...

There are, arguably 3 main characters in Interstellar. Two of the three are women. You may not have liked Anne Hathaway’s character or arc, but she was the 3rd most important character in the film.

Um, sorry, but what? “Sudden turn”? The only reason it seems sudden is because D&D decided to rush these past two seasons but they have been building to this for a very long time. She was initially talked down from burning the Red Keep, before assisting everyone in the North. She’s progressively lost everything dear

“When he opens his mouth it’s a vacuous hole: There’s little room for a brain or anything else.”

Great article.

Wow. I’d been a ProJared subscriber for a long time, and I have to say while this is pretty shocking, there’s always been a bit of an odd vibe around Jared himself

the visceral thrill in how Bundy’s steady eye contact causes the dog to completely lose it

Meh. AV Club’s total 180 on Joss Whedon was pretty weak. After Whedon got caught cheating on his wife, AVC immediately started acting like they never liked him and how his female characters were actually all super duper sexist as if we weren’t celebrating Buffy Week 4 days earlier. If there was any specific moment

The neat thing about this is it’s the opposite of black magic - it’s extremely easy to do and pretty straightforward. The hard part is just getting the idea.

sequels, pedo bait and shitty use of 3d animations.

Those children were props for the couple’s white savior play.And when you read about how they obtained the children in the first place it’s absolutely enraging.

If you have BOTH your parents search a room for hidden cameras, you know something’s up, dude.

Hey it worked for X-Men Origins Wolverine! 

An origin story for the character who needs no origin story. 

which is in addition to the firmly established issue of whitewashing traditionally Japanese characters in an American adaptation. Did we learn nothing from Ghost In The Shell?

I’ve been waiting for the Schreier breakdown of how this fell apart far more than the game itself.

Reggie was forced into retirement and silence because he knew the truth.