Ignatius Reilly

Fun fact: A “kroner” is one of those hot dogs the Icelandians are crazy about. An Icelandic “bank” is just a big freezer full of hot dogs.

151 Icelandic kroner is about $1.23. Did you leave out the word “million”?

I know a woman named Sigurros.

It’s possible that his sudden wealth and increased isolation has been the largest contribution to his cognitive decline.

I was going to make a snarky quip about being so old that Michael Pena is playing dad characters in movies, but the school scene with the metal detector that’s played for laughs is just straight up depressing. We’re at the point that school shootings are now so normalized that we don’t even think about how fucked up

The idea that lowering the difficulty on Switch should even be entertained. 

... because reporters can only predict what has happened; they cannot predict the future.

You’re right. I just don’t see how this will work with that very realistic high resolution cardboard.

Hey Brian, unrelated because I don’t know where else to post this. But why don’t your videos have the three dots? Sometimes I want to send a video to a seperate tab for later. But I can’t. And if the video isn’t new and I click that View All button, it may be tricky to find.

Sounds like he was trying to make a broader point about repression leading to abusive behavior rather than the specific cases but okay let's drag him

Seems to me Oprah and MJ were personal friends too, no?

Sakurai himself has said that wavedashing is not a bug, but apparently that is not enough to convince people that wavedashing is not a bug. 

In other news, ticket sales for EVO 2019 suddenly plummet and nobody has any idea why.

You’d think NASA would be trying to avoid the next Challenger...

Both games have their charm and are worth playing, but I’d definitely say Into the Breach is the better title. Cheaper too, at least right now.


There’s also a fair bit of really nasty homophobia and transphobia that I found amongst some of the creators of Overwatch videos. Apart from how bigoted and wrong it is to be like that in the modern day, it’s always dismaying to see porn dominated by assholes in more than one way. Straight men aren’t your only

Southland Tales really does suck, like, to the point where it confounds me that anyone thought it was a good idea to make it. The Rock is good in it though, he has a weird tendency to do some of his best work in truly heinous movies like that, Be Cool, and Pain & Gain.

Fortunately tattoos on your palm aren’t exactly forever. You use that part of your body with such frequency that the tattoo, especially one with such fine line work, should become a smudge of its former self in no time. So it’s meaning will be lost over time.