Simon Sehz

1) The series is populated by lower cost racecars mostly raced by privateers.

Don’t draw conclusions. At least wait for a clay model before you render an opinion.

I dunno. Looks sketchy.

Of course not. It’s a car.

Looks like a McLaren F1 with a mouth opener at the dentist office...

Yeah, but when are they going to make the coupe version of this? And then the four-door version of the coupe of the four-door?

Putting lasers in there might attract the neighborhood cats, though.

Is this an idiot’s guide because only an idiot would buy one?

“That grill looks like giant butt cheeks.”

It’s funny because he’s literally championing wight power


No, this is more petty. Last I checked Subway does not sell donuts, they focus on sandwiches for the most part.

See also: BMW 8-Series, Jaguar XJS, Cadillac ETC...

But like, French accordion music playing mournfully in the background right? 

Three of these are major losses, one is not.

On a scale of 1 to 944, how jealous was Stef?

The picture that blows my mind the most is the Boxster prototype that’s built out of a 968. We’ve always been told that the Boxster took over where the 968 left off, but that picture so clearly demonstrates the interim step. 968 cabriolet chassis, mid engine, 996 doors, fuel tank in the front, 968 interior. I assume

So, there’s a Lexus ES in your neighborhood?