Simon Phearson

I disagree that Twitter was ultimately that essential to Trump's victory. I think that his victory was more a reflection of his ability to sense, and a willingness to respond to, a mood of resentment engendered by years where economic, social, and political opportunities were moved away from the white middle class.

Trump will not be impeached until and unless he vetoes any tax cut legislation that Congress pushes through. I think that is probably the only way it would ever happen.

I like it, too, whenever Dubya says things that can be interpreted as backhanded criticisms of Trump. But the lesson we need to remember about Dubya's presidency is that it is a cautionary tale of what happens when:

Right. I think the best way we can respond to him - the best way to accept his message and put it into practice - is to call him out on his bullshit, identity-politics "apology" and refuse to extend him the slightest bit of sympathy. That's what he'd do.

And there isn't really any tension because it doesn't matter if the Chinese attack the aliens. The aliens still need our help, so they won't kill us. Plus the aliens know the future.

What are you talking about? I'm sure the leads did lots of intelligent things off-screen.

*high five*

Thinkpiecers gonna thinkpiece.

The argument isn't well-constructed, but I think what dude's trying to say is that Arrival is specifically about our relationship with time and art, where the movie demonstrates the careful crafting of narrative through time that many other movies lack. That's the relevance of the language-on-screen point, the

They have now.

I totally agree. Forget yearning for Dubya; I'm looking back to Nixon these days.

Has anyone called you out for derailing a conversation away from your embarrassing ignorance (e.g., when you claimed that no one watched CNN, when in fact it's very widely watched), to dispute whether or not someone's called you a name?

I don't see why a network like CNN shouldn't be able to fill its plate with video clips, stock footage, ex-officials and columnists, etc., while reporting what's been said by Trump officials elsewhere with the explicit caveat that they were invited to comment but were declined. The Trump White House is going to be so

I'm not trying to avoid calling you an actual neo-Nazi; I'm just trying to give you the benefit of the doubt. If you're happy to wear the label, I'm happy to apply it to you.

Well, don't give up. We got through Jackson, we got through Nixon. There will be casualties. But we can survive if we fight, if we focus on what we share.

I didn't call you a Nazi. I said that your propagating unsourced, unresearched, and untrue "facts" as though they're accurate is what they also do. So you're aligned with them.

Print media. Pay for subscriptions if you can. NYTimes is a little pricey, but WaPo is also good and more affordable. (As a result, their reporting is a little less in-depth, but still aggressive.) Also, there's a lot of useful online sites. My Twitter feed consists almost entirely of news sites and feeds, which helps

Yeah, I suppose "saner FoxNews" is something of an oxymoron.

Have you bothered to look at CNN's ratings, or are you just taking your facts from the direct Trump twitter feed? CNN isn't doing better than FoxNews, but it's right at the top, right under it. And MSNBC is right behind CNN.

They're doing this because CNN was already caving. CNN had already altered its messaging and reporting to be more conducive to Trump's propaganda, so they're pushing even harder for even more concessions. I predict CNN will cave. There will be a meeting, a public statement committing CNN to "challenging but fair"